The weekend before last (and, I'm afraid to say, for the first time since we got the boat) we checked the oil level (cold) in the sump of our Suzuki DF115 We found that the level on the dipstick was well above the "Full" mark on the dipstick

We then bought one of those Vacuum Oil Removers to remove 2L of oil which bought the level down to the upper mark on the stick.
After this w/e's outing we checked the level again (hot) and found the level was up once more. During both times of checking, the engine was in the "down" position and on the trailer in the same location in the boat compound. The oil on the stick was quite clean with no signs of water in it and no signs of emulsification under the oil filler cap. Are these engines known for erratic dipstick readings or have we go an oil-producing lump

? I suppose the only
real way we know how much oil is in the sump is to drain it out and put back in the required amount - 5.5L