I have a yamaha 75 hp OB. 92mod this is a enduro, a lowcost mod. (probably sold in Sweden) without el. starter.
My question for the crowd is: have you eny experience with low vs. high octane on this engine.
My choice is to go for 98 oct but since i can´t find eny info in the manual i wonder if others have had problems regarding this issue.
This is what i have dicovered during the last 3 years (octane related)
with 95 oct:
-kicback in start line at warm engine(arm=
-at high water temp and after a while with high power, the engine misfires
and it seams like the ignition is to far advanced , no power at all over
-lower power in general
-more expencive to feed
with 98oct
-starts easier
-runs smoother
-more power (rpm+ 300 5knots
-runs cheaper
-more expensive fuel (+5-7%)
In Norway we can still get 98 oct, but they are talking about skiping the 98,
and have the 95 as the highest
What i have heard is that they have stopped selling 98 in Denmark, how is it in
UK (and the rest of the world)????
Let me know please!