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Old 15 May 2013, 23:02   #21
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It's cheaper to buy a motor with it already., unless you can find a scrapper to use as a donor.
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Old 15 May 2013, 23:09   #22
Country: UK - Scotland
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Nah. Have a crawl round the online microfiche. Ill bet the leg & clamps are shared between two or three sizes of motor, one of which will have pt.

Then its "just" a case of finding one in a breaker's yard & swapping bits.

As for the 70s one being crap, mine is loosely based on that vintage, and having dragged it kicking & screaming into its final 1989 version it should now be quite reliable. Quite a few major changes to the 70s version.., and not just the cowl.

Feel free to quote me on this when it blows up!

Edit- Nos, this simultaneous posting is getting silly!
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Old 19 May 2013, 23:07   #23
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Originally Posted by dogboy View Post
just out of interest, can you retrofit power tilt and trim to a manual tilt and trim motor like the one in question? or is it prohibitively expensive?
Did this a while back, absolutely brill.
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Old 20 May 2013, 10:17   #24
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
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You may even find that some Yam units will fit.

Thing to double check befroe you go looking - there are two types of PT that were biolted to 60-ish HP engines - the single & the three ram version.

If your swivel bracket (it;s the bit that goes up & down with the engine, doesnlt rotate P-S & holds the "rudder" bearings) it may have two indentations about 1/3 of the way up and the "main" ram dead centre. If so, that is ready to bolt on a 3 ram unit.

If the main ram (I assume it will have a spring assist ram already fitted) is offset, probably to port then you are looking for a single ram unit.

I have a theory that there were only one or two sub- suppliers made PT units, so there is a statistically reasonable chance that you may not need a Merc one. Thing is you will need to measure up in there to be sure. (Althogu htbhe single ram ones tend to just have a couple of big pins so becoem a lot easier to swap - if there is space!)

Other things to remember is you will need a relay of some description, and if it;s like ym Clamshell you may need to replace other bits to fit the relay to. (which is why I now have a watertight relay box on my transom!) Then you'll need some cabling and of course a switch to control it with. Should be easy to get one to fit your remotes. If not, a couple of waterproof push- to - make buttons on the console will do the same job. (OMC used to do a nicewatertight stop switch in the days before deadman switches)
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