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Old 10 November 2004, 22:50   #61
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: St Peter Port
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: XS-Ribs
Length: 9m +
Engine: 2 x 225hp Optimax
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 375
It is my understanding that you can over rev em as the ecu doesn't limit revs
Pettal are you having any Navman electronics on your boat. cos they do a very lovely interface to the Smart guages ( which are wicked!)
Jeez I go for a fag and a cuppa and this thread goes mental!

Nah, I had a look at the Navman but the pennies didn't quite stretch that maybe an upgrade for the future! I'm just sticking on the new Garmin 178c as I'm used to them and know Garmin inside out and always been happy and impressed with their kit.

Having said that though the Garmin has loads of spare wires for all sorts of add on's, so wouldn't be suprised if the transducer etc can interface with the Smart Guages.

As for the speed......I reckon I'll get 50knts out of the 200hp on a 7m rib with a clean bum, which is more than fast enough!!

That'll be lunch in France in half an hour for me then!
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Old 11 November 2004, 00:02   #62
Country: Ireland
Town: Carigaline/Baltimore
Boat name: XS-600
Make: XS-Ribs
Length: 6m +
Engine: Merc Optimax 150 XL
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 682

Yep, 50 should be no problem for you. I finally hit the magic number about a wk ago. I had constantly been gettin 48-49kts. Last Saturday I went for it and trimmed her up to about 3.0 on the Opti gauge. Revs rose from 5250 to 5500 and wahey!! 50kts (running a very light boat though)

Its not so much the speed that will impress you about the boat though, the cornering and the ride in the rough are far more impressive than the speed. I nearly threw 3 of my crew overboard last wkend. I don't think they realised how sharp she could turn at 40 kts

Its not a fast hull like the Solent's, its basically the Tornado high lift, hull design, but built by a major UK manufacturer. The lines are similar to the Solents but the angles, etc. are deeper. More of a rough weather boat than out and out speed so you should get 50 but not much more after that.

Sorry about the diversion back to Optimaxes!!
Steve G
If In Doubt, Go Flat Out!!
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Old 11 November 2004, 12:53   #63
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: St Peter Port
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: XS-Ribs
Length: 9m +
Engine: 2 x 225hp Optimax
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 375

Good to hear about the rough water handling as I think it maybe a tad lumpy on our trip back looking at the most recent forecast!!

Must remember survival suit!

To be honest anything above 50knts and your in nutter territory where things happen far too quickly and that big piece of lumber that fell off a ship hovering just below the water takes you skeg off in one foul swoop!

Now remember kids we are all trained professionals and you should not try this at home!!
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