25 June 2010, 13:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Newcastle
Boat name: Merlin
Make: RB4 Gemini 550
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Engine: Tohatsu 90C
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Posts: 1,080
Optimax or Tohatsu
When I swap the motor off my newly acquired Gemini 550, budget dictates my engine choice is going to be either a Tohatsu 90 TLDI or an Optimax 90...
Thoughts anyone?
25 June 2010, 14:50
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Can't comment on those two, but the "conventional" 2-stroke Tohatsus are quite reliable, and having lived through a warranty problem with a friend, the Tohatsu bods seem helpful.
As a thought, could you temporarily de-rate the VRO a bit by adjusting the throttle linkage?
There may be a WOT stop, or a link you could adjust so it doesnlt fully "open up". Other option is your remotes box may have two or three holes in the throttle lever arm on the mechanism. if so, moving the cable end to a hole nearer the pivot will give less throttle cable throw and reduce the thottle opening. Retarding the timing by 10 degrees or so could also work.
25 June 2010, 18:42
Country: UK - England
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big weight difference
170 for the opti
143 for the twatsu
dont know current prices
25 June 2010, 20:00
Country: UK - England
Town: Newcastle
Boat name: Merlin
Make: RB4 Gemini 550
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 90C
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,080
have seen the Tohatsu for as low as 5249
and an Optimax for 5439...
I would love to put an Etec on it ... just dont have that sort of money
25 June 2010, 20:34
Country: UK - England
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I believe they use very similar injection technology.
Speak to a dealer who supplies / services both and ask their opinion.
Fairweather Marine are dealers for both so should be able to give an unbiased opinion.
27 June 2010, 08:53
Country: UK - England
Town: Newcastle
Boat name: Merlin
Make: RB4 Gemini 550
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 90C
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,080
the weight is quite a difference...
sounds like the Tohatsu is the way to go.
27 June 2010, 12:31
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I have heard that the Tohatsu has incredibly good fuel economy and excellent reliability too.
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
29 June 2010, 16:54
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Posts: 21
Originally Posted by MustRib
When I swap the motor off my newly acquired Gemini 550, budget dictates my engine choice is going to be either a Tohatsu 90 TLDI or an Optimax 90...
Thoughts anyone?
Get the Tohatsu, power to weight is so much better, the reputation for reliability of the Tohatsu is another big plus.
29 June 2010, 17:07
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
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Originally Posted by matt h
big weight difference
170 for the opti
143 for the twatsu
That's 'cos the Twatsoo is a 1.3 litre powerhead, while the Opti is 1.5 litre. The 115hp & 125hp Optis also use the 1.5 litre powerhead, while the larger Twatsoos step up to 4 cylinders.
29 June 2010, 23:07
Country: UK - Wales
Make: Valiant
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Posts: 108
Granted, my opinion might be biased but;
Optimax all the way, cracking engines and have sold hundreds to very happy customers.
You also get 5 years warranty as opposed to a 3 year warranty.
If you have any questions at all on the Opti, then I'm happy to help out.
29 June 2010, 23:33
Country: UK - Wales
Town: N Wales Chester
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Had 90 opti for 4 years. 3 cylinder, v economical, never broke, awesome pick up/throttle response, would buy again. Bought 2.5L v6 175 opti after, not so reliable, not so quiet(nice growl), warranty excellent, awesome performance. Don't buy a 4 stroke as not much lpm difference and no comparison in pick up.
Can't comment on tohatsu, never seen one
29 June 2010, 23:46
Country: UK - Wales
Make: Valiant
Length: 5m +
Engine: 75 Optimax
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 108
Originally Posted by HUMBER P4VWL
Had 90 opti for 4 years. 3 cylinder, v economical, never broke, awesome pick up/throttle response, would buy again. Bought 2.5L v6 175 opti after, not so reliable, not so quiet(nice growl), warranty excellent, awesome performance. Don't buy a 4 stroke as not much lpm difference and no comparison in pick up.
Can't comment on Tohatsu, never seen one
The in-lines are great motors.
I have a 75 on a Valiant rib myself and its never skipped a beat in 2 years. We run the boat as an RYA training boat so had to fit something economical and something we had confidence in.
The V's are just pure monsters, love working on them.
30 June 2010, 01:00
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
Length: 5m +
Engine: 150 Opti, F50EFi
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 6,299
My mate had a 3-cyl Opti 75 on a Pilothouse fishing boat and that was very economical and quiet, compared to the V6 Optis.
17 August 2010, 15:05
Country: UK - England
Town: I.O.W/Switzerland
Boat name: HotShot
Make: shakey
Length: 5m +
Engine: 90hp Tohatsu TLDI
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Posts: 1,559
Originally Posted by MustRib
have seen the Tohatsu for as low as 5249
and an Optimax for 5439...
I would love to put an Etec on it ... just dont have that sort of money 
Where have you seen them for those prices? Are they ex VAT or inc VAT?
I assume you have to keep up a service schedule for the warranty to stay valid so does anyone know how much this is each year for each engine? Would be interesting to compare this with the more expensive etec that doesn't require servicing for 3 years.
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