16 September 2007, 02:24
Country: Hong Kong
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Optimax vs TwoStroke
Mercury have 2 x two stroke models:
Obviously i appreciate the basic differences ie 2 stage fuel injection, upto 50% fuel savings
BUT, beyond that, are they more reliable?
better power? surely 2 x 90hp versions are exactly that - 90hp!
better salt water corrosion resistance?
I'm just trying to work out why it's worth spending 50% more on the Optimax?! This extra cost in fuel savings will take a fair while to pay off...
Look forward to hearing your comments.
(This is for a RIB520 for basic runaround with a bit of waterskiing etc ie thinking of 90hp models but it's relevant to all)
16 September 2007, 06:44
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If your talking about buying new, then your going to be hard pushed to find a 90hp 2 stroke, as they are no longer available and suppliers can only sell existing stock.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
16 September 2007, 09:04
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well that's killed that thread off!
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
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Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
16 September 2007, 11:32
Country: Hong Kong
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
well that's killed that thread off! 
I'm based in Hong Kong. Suppy isn't the issue! It'll be a long time before China kill the 2-stroke - trust me!
the question is... Optimax or TwoStroke....
16 September 2007, 11:59
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Is the 2 stroke you are reffering to carb or efi? I have a Suzuki DT225 - it's the last of the Suzuki 2 strokes. It does not use the compresed air technology but it's fuel injected with 2x plugs per cylinder etc - pretty high tech. I get virtually the same fuel consumption as the optimax at anything over 1/2 throttle.
At full throttle there doesn't seem to be much difference between any of the engines. A lot depends on how you will use it.
A basic 2 stroke will obviously be more reliable as there's less to go wrong. I suspect purchasing price will make a difference as well.
16 September 2007, 12:16
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1. What's the difference in purchase price?
2. What's the price of fuel in Hong Kong?
3. Do you require the extended cruising range that the Opti may give you over the regular 2-stroke? (I expect not, as you say it's for a run-about)
If the answers are:
1. a lot
2. low
3. no
- then I'd go for the regular 2-stroke.
1. not a lot
2. high
3. Yes or No
Then I'd go Opti
16 September 2007, 12:18
Country: Hong Kong
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Is the 2 stroke you are reffering to carb or efi?
this is the optimax:
this is the TwoStroke:
BUT from the Mercury website, i can no longer see the 'TwoStroke' - have they discontinued the model due to the new EU regulations?
I can still buy them here BUT will spares become a problem?
Price difference :
opti - gbp 3500
2-stroke - gbp 2300
range shouldn't be an issue. Will be max 30mins full throttle in any one direction (from port).
fuel price - same as UK
16 September 2007, 12:28
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Originally Posted by tmehew
Where abouts in HK are you? A friend of mine keeps a yacht in Hebe Haven, Sai Kung.
16 September 2007, 18:27
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Originally Posted by tmehew
At those prices I'd go for the Opti. It'll have better re-sale value and you should re-coup some of the price difference via lower fuel consumption over the next few seasons, if your fuel costs are similar to the UK.
Out of interest, are those prices before sales sales tax is applied? (they seem very good value)
16 September 2007, 19:35
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i;m possibly the Opti's biggest fan but I'd put a yamie 2 stroke on every time
if I was afet high tech then I'd go for an Etec.
I don't think the 3 pot opti's are that clever
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
16 September 2007, 19:40
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
I don't think the 3 pot opti's are that clever
iyd saiy de 3 opt potis arr arf az clevver az de 6 opt potis
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
16 September 2007, 20:25
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
i;m possibly the Opti's biggest fan but I'd put a yamie 2 stroke on every time
if I was afet high tech then I'd go for an Etec.
I don't think the 3 pot opti's are that clever
Thats funny, I was talking to a chap the other day, who works at my local dealer, recons the 3 cylinder optis are a fantastic engine.
17 September 2007, 12:09
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Originally Posted by 1up
Thats funny, I was talking to a chap the other day, who works at my local dealer, recons the 3 cylinder optis are a fantastic engine.
Does this chap work in the sales dept?
17 September 2007, 16:52
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Does this chap work in the sales dept? 
nope he fixes them
17 September 2007, 18:23
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Originally Posted by 1up
nope he fixes them
In that case, he must know lots about them
18 September 2007, 06:24
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i had a 3 pot opti, most economical and quietest engine ive had and will have another one when ready,
18 September 2007, 07:17
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At low revs mine sounds like a 3 pot
18 September 2007, 09:18
Country: Hong Kong
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I went for the 90hp Opti....
the question is... are the smartcraft guages worth the extra money???
18 September 2007, 11:58
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Originally Posted by tmehew
I went for the 90hp Opti....
the question is... are the smartcraft guages worth the extra money???
They are when they are included inthe price
I got a 115 - guages included
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