27 July 2020, 17:56
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Outboard bolted to transom?
Total first time outboard owner here feeling my way around everything for the first time...
I was wondering how many people just use the thumb screws each time they go out and not the bolts that get supplied with a new engine?
I know that it would depend on your circumstances - I'm leaving a SIB inflated with the engine on all the time I think so will likely use the bolts.
I was just wondering is all.
The manual of my Mercury 20hp has a big WARNING about not bolting to the transom... I just wondered if it was as big a no-no as all that is all... curious.
The manual says to take the prop off each time you flush the engine - I can't imagine that most people do that every time?!!
27 July 2020, 18:04
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Originally Posted by Tonus
Total first time outboard owner here feeling my way around everything for the first time...
I was wondering how many people just use the thumb screws each time they go out and not the bolts that get supplied with a new engine?
I know that it would depend on your circumstances - I'm leaving a SIB inflated with the engine on all the time I think so will likely use the bolts.
I was just wondering is all.
The manual of my Mercury 20hp has a big WARNING about not bolting to the transom... I just wondered if it was as big a no-no as all that is all... curious.
The manual says to take the prop off each time you flush the engine - I can't imagine that most people do that every time?!!
Sub 30hp engines are regularly just clamped on, I'm actually surprised the makers recommend bolting on what they sell as portable engines.
Bolts are good belt and braces but I wouldn't consider then essential. I wonder if its something to do with the brackets on that engine
27 July 2020, 18:09
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>>> manual of my Mercury 20hp has a big WARNING about not bolting to the transom.
Really... do paste that in for interest.
I'm puzzled as the larger service manual says to bolt it on and gives the spec to do so as below.
Very odd.
Edit: My comments above should be read in the context I read the OP as the manual saying you should NOT bolt to transom... less gin before posting in future!
27 July 2020, 18:18
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Re bolting on I know many folks (most?) do not bolt on 25/30hp and under. But forgetting really small motors I'm not sure why not.
The alternative of course is a safety cord. I assume we all put these on due to the slim possibility an outboard could pop off the transom? That's an event even with a safety cord that is potentially dangerous and damaging to SIB or outboard.
So my personal choice is always to bolt on these days even with a daily setup outfit. It really is no trouble. I drill the transom holes a couple of mm over size and carry two short spanners in the setup kit in a small bag with the bolts so I'm not hunting in the toolkit for something to tighten them.
27 July 2020, 18:40
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Section below from the 2018 Mercury manual that would come with a new 20hp efi motor says to bolt on and that the clamp screws alone are insufficient. Good advice in my book.
27 July 2020, 18:53
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27 July 2020, 21:47
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Fenlander - I get the way you misread my post - I probably could have worded it a little more clearly!!
Thanks all for the comments. I think I will bolt it on but it's good to know how other people do things.
I bought a cover from Excel and I now hear it was not tailored to account for a fitted outboard - got me thinking, hence the question!
PS Those outboard fafils look dangerous!
28 July 2020, 06:16
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This is a really helpful thread.
After watching the video clips I’m definitely going to drill holes and bolt my outboard through the transom.
Whilst it’s not going to prevent me from going ahead, I wonder what the impact on the SIBs warranty will be from drilling holes through the transom?
I will ask the Honwave dealer I bought from as presumably the advice to bolt the outboard on will be the similar from Honda with their outboards.
28 July 2020, 08:03
RIBnet admin team
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Well Honwave sell transom wheels that need eight holes drilling to fit so they are going to have a hard time saying you shouldn’t drill two holes to secure the outboard..
28 July 2020, 08:07
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Whilst I cannot disagree that bolting on ‘portable’ outboards is not good idea safety wise, it certainly is not the norm with most users. Of course in this litigation lead world we now live manufacturers are going to advocate this, along with removing the prop whilst flushing your motor.
Anyways, particularly for those new to boating, before you drill any bolt holes make sure you’re satisfied the motor is at the correct height on your transom. Also worth considering is if you change motors then new holes will be required and, peppering the transom with multiple holes may have an effect on resale values.
Not saying my motor will never fall off but bear in mind most inner transom pads have a raised perimeter lip offering a limited second line of defence.
Coupled with a slightly OCD tendency to regularly check clamps whilst underway and a safety tether, pulled tight no slack, then reasonably confident to carry on boating ‘not bolted’ 🤞
28 July 2020, 08:13
Country: UK - England
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Fenlander, that's the warning that's in my 2020 manual - so it's a strong recommendation from the manufacturer.
28 July 2020, 08:18
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Thanks Chipko. Being new to boating I'm cautious but also trying to read between the lines on occasion. This is why this forum has been so useful - if in doubt.
28 July 2020, 08:36
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
Well Honwave sell transom wheels that need eight holes drilling to fit so they are going to have a hard time saying you shouldn’t drill two holes to secure the outboard..
That was hidden in plain sight Fenlander, and I’ve had the wheels fitted too
28 July 2020, 12:02
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Originally Posted by chipko
<<< Also worth considering is if you change motors then new holes will be required and, peppering the transom with multiple holes >>>>
Transom hole patterns are normally set to a "standard" across manufacturers so engines should be interchangeable in terms of hole alignment.
28 July 2020, 12:52
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Originally Posted by Last Tango
Transom hole patterns are normally set to a "standard" across manufacturers so engines should be interchangeable in terms of hole alignment. 
Don’t think this applies to portables tbh.
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