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Old 17 May 2002, 17:39   #1
Country: UK - N Ireland
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Outboard engine cover.


I have just got my new rib package with my new engine and although I have a boat cover the engine is not covered.
I would like to get some sort of protection for it also. I have searched the web found a site that does covers in the states but they have not yet designed one for my engine.
They have however most other engines.
Question ...does anyone know roughly the size another engine which would be comparison to the Suzuki 140. I don't mind the cover not fitting snug but don't want it to small. ie they have one on offer for a Mercury 135-200 hp 2 stroke for around $80.

Can anyone be of any help.
I have enclosed a pic of the type of cover they produce as it comes in two parts and can be used to cover either the leg or the top housing or both..

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Old 19 May 2002, 09:27   #2
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4 stroke engines are generally a bit larger than the 2 stroke ones. So if you get a cover for a 200 Hp I think it can do the job fine.
Michael a.k.a "Bat Falcon"

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Old 21 May 2002, 22:50   #3
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If the cover is to enable you to store the engine outside you have a problem. When the wind moves the material it will polish off the engine paint work during the period of a winter. Also condensation will build up on the powerhead. They all do but with just the engine cowl at least it has a chance to evaporate again, however with an extra cover it will just collect and build up. It is caused by minute changes in temp whilst the powerhead remains cool. Bit like your kitchen window when the missus is cooking. If the engine is new might be worth taking it off the boat for the winter.
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Old 22 May 2002, 14:46   #4
Country: UK - N Ireland
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Thanks Pete7

Some good points you is only for general protection from evil eyes ,kids hands and droppings from the large seagulls that I have flying overhead and salt spray.
I will however take your point on the rubbing of the cover on the paintwork.
During the lay up period I will be storing in a shed.

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Old 19 January 2004, 00:52   #5
Country: UK - England
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Hi Erico

I recently fitted a cover to my new Suzuki 90 4S. Like you I wanted to keep it clean for the winter. Mine probably comes from the same site you have found. (Think it was INTERNATIONAL OUTBOARD MOTOR COVERS LTD).

Interesting comments from Pete. Dont think the abrasion will be a big problem as the internal lining I recall as being very soft and almost fleecy so unlikely to be too abrasive. The increased risk of condensation is a worry. I will have to have a think about that one...

My engine is clearly smaller so not sure if I can be of much help. The fit is reasonably accurate from top of motor to skeg but quite generous in width around the motor. I can measure it up if it helps. I will also take some pics and post them here if its useful.

Only other comments are that it took 5 or 6 weeks to get here from USA/Canada, and the Velcro straps around the lower section of the motor are a bit crap.

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