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Old 03 November 2003, 16:54   #1
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outboard help please :)


Ive got £500 ish waiting for the right engine for my avon 4 metre rib, as I had a nice motor that got sold underneath me the other week - I "think" I want a 50 hp but been told a 40 merc/mariner would be just as good for my 4m and there are much better for parts etc- Im fairly new to the game, but have done a level 1 rya powerboat course and been brough up with boats all my life - Ive been all over the net,,all the mazagines ie:,bartmart,buyabout for under 20k, freeads, u name it! Im just not seeing what I want - any advice or anyone selling a nice tight engine out there ?

with tank/remotes preferablly, etc would be fantastic

Thanks in advance



ps: I do apologize if this is not in the correct section/forum
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Old 03 November 2003, 17:11   #2
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Hi and welcome to the world of cyber RIBing!

I think you are heading the right direction and would agree with whoever said try and get a Merc/Mariner. I would also like to add that Yam's are my favourite outboard make so consider those as well - ultra reliable Yam's are. Avoid the other makes in the age bracket (read price bracket) you are looking at, they will be more trouble. Experience of such Envirudes and Johnsons, Cryslers etc. of 70's and 80's era are bad.

The problem will be there are hundreds and hundreds of people like you looking for a 40-60hp £500 outboard, me included infact, so it'll be hard finding the right thing and i don't think i can offer much advise but beware there is some real crap for sale, try and take someone who knows roughly what they are talking about.

I'm no expert, but at a recent boat jumble there was a chap selling a Yam 30 i think and trying to tell me it was about 4 years old when i know that Yam stopped using that paint colour in the early 90's!
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Old 03 November 2003, 17:25   #3
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IT - £500

This is a first - I.T Consultant & £500 in the same breath.....No Way, add a zero perhaps Joking aside, Olly - £500 only gets you another £500 worth of trouble. You'll end up spending £80 on a service as I'm sure if you're buying 2nd hand you'd at least like to change the oil, plus, etc etc so that you can be sure she won't let you down when out on the water ! However, before all that you'll spend £100 on petrol trolling around looking at other peoples scrap. If I were you, do yourself a favor, save a little longer (cut out the beer and fags for a month) until you have at least £1000 / £1500 with which, you can buy something a little newer, perhaps from a dealer with a warrantly etc. The end result being, something reliable and nice looking on the tail of your pride and joy.
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
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Old 03 November 2003, 21:04   #4
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Phone a few dealers and see if you can get hold of an ex RNLI 40hp Mariner. Always well looked after. Sometimes they're hardly used.
It's likely that somone on here will be able to tell you of a dealer not too far from you who has these.
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Old 03 November 2003, 21:23   #5
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Try Bembrige outboard they have all sorts and are main Mercury dealers their web site is
Jim is help full well he has put up with me for the last year till im about to order a avon from him
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Old 03 November 2003, 22:44   #6
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Go for the ex RNLI mariner.
A friend has just bought a 25hp model previously used on the RNLI ummmm D-Class? the avon 4m inflatable.
As it happens he has put it on an identical boat so it is matched to the perfect prop too. Serviced every few mins while in the RNLI and still running sweet as a dream.
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Old 04 November 2003, 00:04   #7
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Re: IT - £500

Originally posted by MeMe
until you have at least £1000 / £1500 with which, you can buy something a little newer
I agree, and disagree all at the same time.

£500 will only ever buy £500 of old outboard with all the problems that go with it - but if thats all you can / want to spend then that is something you will be aware of and accept.

If you are going to spend anything like £1500, keep saving and buy a new 40HP 2s for £2000, I'm sure you could get a deal somewhere.
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Old 04 November 2003, 07:54   #8
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Have to agree with Daniel and MeMe on this one £500 will only buy you someone elses problems, having recently rebuilt my engine i know the costs new and secondhand and i know what a mid 80's recon will cost too, in the end i opted to rebuild my own engine as i know the history and now i have a practically new engine, if you do look at second hand engines i'd suggestand taking some one qualified along with you to look at it, next boat/engine i go to look at i'll be taking my mechanical genius with me !!

Someone said in an earlier thread "treat your engine like your life depends on it" worth remembering !!
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Old 04 November 2003, 22:54   #9
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You are more likely to get a good deal if you save up a bit more and keep your eyes peeled for a complete boat wth engine, that way it will have all cables etc and be able to be properly tested before parting with you hard earned dosh. Seen quite a few unwanted speedboats on ebay and in the free ads with sub £1000 price tags. Fletchers with 50s and 60s pop up now and again for around a grand, you can always sell the boat on on ebay or something. In my experience ,when buying mid range engines (40,50,60 etc) £500 buys a lemon or something with no numbers and no comeback! £1000-£1500 buys something decent and reliable with a history you can have a bit of faith in. Lets face it , outboards are finnicky at the best of times never mind if they've been neglected or abused!
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Old 05 November 2003, 11:56   #10
Country: UK - England
Make: Avon 5.4, Avon 3.4,
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Thanks guys, some very usefull info there - sounds like its been learnt by a few of you - I shall be saving more then if thats the case - any one recommend a "outboard genuis" then?



fanx again for all ypour advice
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Old 05 November 2003, 13:22   #11
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Andy Clark at "The Bosun's Mate"
I've also heard recommendations for Lee Fairweather at Fairweather Marine in Fareham
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Old 05 November 2003, 16:35   #12
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this looks ok to me
Big waves, small boat ;)
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