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Old 25 June 2013, 16:07   #21
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thanks for all the replies...finally got a call saying its ready to be collected... they cleaned the carb put in a new sparkplug and greased it, said its running very loud now but its the best they can do... 61euro vat inc....collecting tomorrow so will give it a run and see
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Old 25 June 2013, 23:39   #22
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For that price, probably have cleaned all related fuel path too..

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Old 27 June 2013, 11:10   #23
Country: Ireland
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well whatever they did it worked... doesnt sound too noisy to me either..... just one last quick question, should i always empty carb of fuel when finished and how long is ok to leave fuel in the tank for... ill be leaving it a week inbetween uses most of the time...once again thanks for all the replies...
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Old 27 June 2013, 18:24   #24
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Being a 2 strokes definitely do so, just close fuel cock and let engine die of fuel starvation, could take advantage of that moment, will give some minutes to flush engine properly on a bucket till drops dead...

If using ethanol blended fuels, max 30 days, or could top fresh fuel on top old fuel small remains. Personally try to consume all of my fuel, being mine a 6 gal tank never fill more than 3 gal for my outtings. Never buy more fuel than you'll be using, as to always use fresh fuel as much as possible.

happy Boating
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Old 27 June 2013, 22:33   #25
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Loco I can see your point from a fuel aging point of view, but most carry a good few percent spare.

Other thing with a 2-stroke is if its not premix where does the oil get injected? I've seen engines where it goes in downstream of the carb so the whole petrol evaporates & leaves an oil slick may not be guaranteed...

But yes, I always drain mine.
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Old 28 June 2013, 08:36   #26
Country: UK - Scotland
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Was on the phone with that last post - I should probably be a little more explicit....

Yes, fuel aging could be an issue, and use of fresh fuel is preferable, BUT when it's your only source of power, and especially when at sea when winds & tides can alter your consumption quite substantially It's always worth having a good few percent in hand.

I normally carry three portable tanks. The one that doesn't get used this time is the first to be connected to the engine next time.

I always drain my carbs, as I run premix. My old Suz used to inject the oil downstream of the carb, so it wasn't the end of the world if I didn't drain it

The reason I always drained that one was when I tipped the engine & put it on the trailer I would always find a puddle of fuel in the air box because carbs are built to work at roughly horizontal (float valve), so tipping it 45 degrees & shoogling it around emptied the bowl through the main jet quite nicely!

As you have a 4 I guess it might travel in the back of the car? - that in itself is a very good reason to empty the carbs!

And of course if you have a nice DI 2- stroke there are no carbs to empty!
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