Hello and greetings to all;
I’m new to the inflatable world of boating and am looking for a little info.
Well I’ll give you guys a little background first. I’ve been racing lasers and Hobie cats for 10 years, but have little powerboat experience.
Well I now live on the harbor front in Toronto Canada and can’t afford the space for a trailer or dock space. This has led me to SIB’s. I can then head down to the beach fill and launch. Plus in Ontario we have 4 thousand lakes that are over 3km in diameter.
As I digress…
Well I’m considering a Sea Eagle 14 SR
It can hold a 40hp 79kg Outboard.
I will always have myself and at least one other dude for the rigging and launch.
Here are my Questions.
1. Is there any 40 or 30 hp outboards out there that weigh 79kg? I can’t seem to find any.
2. What should I look for in a outboard for SIB’s? Technically speaking
3. Am I crazy to think I can do a beach launch with a 80kg outboard? I was thinking we would bring the inflated boat down the beach then the outboard.
4. Is a 50km one way trip no problem? If so how big of a fuel cell do I need? My cousin rides his SeaDoo from my parents house across Lake Ontario to my condo which is about 50km one way.
5. Is it better to have one large fuel cell or many small ones.
6. And last but not least … for now, I love used cars. They cost so much less for quality products. Is it worth looking at used outboards? Or is this a product best picked up new?
Well thanks for your time, I hope to chat more in the near future