28 February 2020, 07:22
Country: UK - England
Town: Morecambe
Make: Honwave T38 IE
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15HP Tohatsu EFI
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 67
Outboard Weight vs Power
I'm currently looking at upgrading my 5hp outboard for a 10 or 15hp. I have seen a second hand 2 stroke Yamaha 8hp. It looks mint and has recently been serviced. Only weighs 28kg.
The other option would be a 4 stroke 9.9hp or 15hp which are both nearly double the weight if not more.
Do you reckon the 8hp will feel noticeably weaker than a 9.9 that is double the weight? I'm thinking an extra 20kg will offset the extra 2hp.
The boat is a 3.4m Mercury Quicksilver Sport SIB rated to max 15hp.
28 February 2020, 09:12
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,111
Welcome to the forum.
Unless you have £2000+ for one of the latest model lighter Efi 4-strokes then the sweet spot for a 3.4m SIB is a 15hp 2-stroke weighing around 36kg.
A Yamaha, Mercury or Mariner (possibly Suzuki but check the weight on the data plate) but ideally not Tohatsu as their 15hp 2-stroke, apart from the engine bore, is 99% the same motor as their 18 and a bit heavier than most 15s.
With these 2-stroke motors the 9.9 is mostly the same motor as the 15 with a lower state of tune and weighs the same so not such a good power for weight to carry.
The Mercury/Mariners 9.9s can be upgraded to a 15 but it needs a new carb at the very least which is a fair cost. The 9.9 Yamaha can be easily upgraded to a 15 at no cost.
Those 8hp Yamaha 2-strokes are great motors and give a decent turn of speed if you are lightly loaded say one up with minimal kit... but will feel sluggish with a bit more weight such as two heavier folks and a bit of kit.
For me an earlier 15hp 4-stroke that may weigh the same as a 20hp around or over 50kg is totally the wrong motor for your SIB.
As a matter of interest I've used my 3.8m SIB with 8hp 36kg 4-stroke, 9.9hp 36kg 4-stroke, 9.9hp 36kg 2-stroke, 15hp 36kg 2-stroke and 20hp 44kg Efi 4-stroke.
The 8hp was OK one up or just OK adult plus light teen but bogged down by two adults. 10.5kts max
The 9.9hp 4-stroke was much better but at the speed I wanted to cruise was flat out. 15kts max.
The 9.9hp 2-stroke was a bit better than the 9.9 4-stroke perhaps because it was based on the 15hp but with smaller carb. Bit more mid range grunt and felt less stressed. 16kts max.
The 15hp 2-strokes... had a Mercury first which was the perfect motor unless 4-up when that blunted its performance. Now have a Yamaha which is equally perfect as we never travel 4-up any more. 18kts max.
The 20hp 4-stroke was only bought during the period we were often 4-up. It had the grunt for that OK. But even as one of the new lighter 44kg models added to its large dimensions was too much of a faff for me to move about and lift on & off etc. 20kts max.
Max speeds are all with same load... two adults and a full tank of fuel plus some kit.
28 February 2020, 09:21
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,111
Something like this recently sold motor is what I'd be saying would suit...
28 February 2020, 09:22
Country: UK - England
Town: Morecambe
Make: Honwave T38 IE
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15HP Tohatsu EFI
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 67
Originally Posted by Fenlander
Welcome to the forum.
Unless you have £2000+ for one of the latest model lighter Efi 4-strokes then the sweet spot for a 3.4m SIB is a 15hp 2-stroke weighing around 36kg.
A Yamaha, Mercury or Mariner (possibly Suzuki but check the weight on the data plate) but not Tohatsu.
With these 2-stroke motors the 9.9 is the same motor with a lower state of tune and weighs the same so not such a good power for weight to carry.
The Mercury/Mariners 9.9s can be upgraded to a 15 but it needs a new carb at the very least which is a fair cost. The 9.9 Yamaha can be easily upgraded to a 15 at no cost.
Those 8hp Yamaha 2-strokes are great motors and give a decent turn of speed if you are lightly loaded say one up with minimal kit... but will feel sluggish with a bit more weight such as two heavier folks and a bit of kit.
For me an earlier 15hp 4-stroke that may weigh the same as a 20hp around or over 50kg is totally the wrong motor for your SIB.
As a matter of interest I've used my 3.8m SIB with 8hp 36kg 4-stroke, 9.9hp 36kg 4-stroke, 9.9hp 36kg 2-stroke, 15hp 36kg 2-stroke and 20hp 44kg Efi 4-stroke.
The 8hp was OK one up or just OK adult plus light teen but bogged down by two adults. 10.5kts max
The 9.9hp 4-stroke was much better but at the speed I wanted to cruise was flat out. 15kts max.
The 9.9hp 2-stroke was a bit better than the 9.9 4-stroke perhaps because it was based on the 15hp but with smaller carb. Bit more mid range grunt and felt less stressed. 16kts max.
The 15hp 2-strokes... had a Mercury first which was the perfect motor unless 4-up when that blunted its performance. Now have a Yamaha which is equally perfect as we never travel 4-up any more. 18kts max.
The 20hp 4-stroke was only bought during the period we were often 4-up. It had the grunt for that OK. But even as one of the new lighter 44kg models added to its large dimensions was too much of a faff for me to move about and lift on & off etc. 20kts max.
Max speeds are all with same load... two adults and a full tank of fuel plus some kit.
Thank you very much for this information. Will be more than useful when deciding which motor to choose.
28 February 2020, 10:24
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Spy-sea-one
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Posts: 7,557
sound advice from fenlander personally i always look at the max hp for the boat it gives more scope then and dont forget the engine won't work as hard
08 March 2020, 21:06
Country: UK - England
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 15 Efi
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 58
Hi, not my intention to divert the post, but I'm in a similar position and was interested in the comments from Fenlander regarding optimum engine choice - interesting because I have an aerotec 380 and looking for a replacement for my Johnson 2 stroke. Its a 9.9 short shaft running with a 15hp carb - its a 'just about ok' lift for one person out of the back of the car at around 35kg.
I was looking for an easier / cleaner engine - the 'lightweight' 4 stroke efi tohatsu /mariner/mercury engine but the impression i get from the post from Fenlander is that its a heavy lift onto the boat and perhaps doesn't add any more power?
As an alternative I saw some more recent 15HP 2 strokes advertised by Ivan Burdfield in Warsash which might be suitable, but then maybe a marginal improvement on what I have.
Finding someone to cast a professional eye over the motor is a challenge, everyone seems to want to work on more modern engines, I seem to spend more time servicing and trying to get a solid tick over on mine than I do using it! The other 2nd hand engines from dealers aren't cheap at around £1300.
I never seem to find clean low hours engines like the Yamaha 15hp featured in the posts last year!
08 March 2020, 23:38
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,111
>>> the 'lightweight' 4 stroke efi tohatsu /mariner/mercury engine but the impression i get from the post from Fenlander is that its a heavy lift onto the boat and perhaps doesn't add any more power?
I would never argue with anyone who preferred the feel of a 20 or 25hp on the Aerotec but for me when just self, wife and dog then the 15hp is the perfect sweet spot combo... but add more folks and the the 20hp was beneficial.
For me of average strength, but with a 64yr old back that needs care, the extra 10kg or so and far more bulky powerhead/leg cowl of the Suzuki efi over a 15hp 2-stroke just started to spoil the portability aspect.
Ivan isn't cheap but he does have a very broad selection of clean 15hp 2-stroke motors. He is a little unusual/old fashioned to deal with and has been quite insulting to me on here in years gone past but if he had the engine I wanted I'd buy from him.... actually I did ha ha.
I have no experience with your Johnson 15hp model but note your problems with the carb. If it ran OK as a 9.9 and you are 100% sure the jets are all spotless, the float height correct and no gasket air leaks then I'd wonder if the 9.9hp to 15hp conversion needs something else to be changed or adjusted that's not yet done??
09 March 2020, 00:07
Country: UK - England
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 15 Efi
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 58
Thanks for the insight, did the extra weight spoil the trim of the boat? I figured the extra weight to be similar to a full 12l fuel tank, so maybe not too much difference?
I need to strip the carb and see if there's something wrong, it sounds like a blocked airway to the idle screw, but each time it's stripped it requires some new gaskets and if anything actually breaks spares need to come from the US if they're available at all.
Checking through the parts list line by line there aren't any other differences - it would be reassuring to get it checked but so few places want to look at them.
I wonder if using the Quicksilver Premium Plus 2 stroke oil would have made any difference over the quicksilver Premium - need to test both.
It runs great at WoT, your analysis of the engine power vs top speed and planing capability was really helpful in seeing the differences - convinced not to go for the 9.9 options even though the weight would be better even in 4 stroke. Many people have encouraged going to 18/20hp when there isn't a weight penalty but I'm cautious about the weight to carry and the impact on the boat trim.
So I'm in a loop like the OP, 15hp is the right HP, need to decide to keep mine, get a later 2 Stroke or a newer 4 stroke efi. That should keep me busy...
09 March 2020, 00:27
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,111
No the trim was fine with the 20hp... as you say about the weight of a full 12l tank extra... or the difference between a 12st or 13.5st pilot! After all the 380 is rated to a 72kg OB!
Well if you'd sussed out my full SIB OB history my loop went 3.5hp-9.8hp-15hp-4hp-10hp-15hp-20hp-9.9hp-15hp.... somewhat erratic.
09 March 2020, 00:35
Country: UK - England
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 15 Efi
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 58
There cant be many Aerotec owners that can speak from experience about such a wide range of engines and have had the chance to test with different loads.
The only other outboard i've used on an inflatable was a seagull, an oil slick followed us wherever we moored, the noise was close to unbearable after a while. Better as an ornament than on an inflatable.
09 March 2020, 09:57
Country: UK - England
Town: Morecambe
Make: Honwave T38 IE
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15HP Tohatsu EFI
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 67
I ended up pressing go on a new Tohatsu 15hp EFI short shaft at the weekend. My 5hp Yamaha 2 stroke decided to seize up over winter which speeded up the decision. The weight is stated as 43KG which I think is the lightest on the market. Still a big jump up from my 21kg 5hp 2 stroke, but should last me many years. The smoke and oil slick coming out of my oil two stroke also battled with my environmental conscience.
Ive not told the missus yet! Working out how to break the news lol
09 March 2020, 10:50
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,111
Well done... those efi Tohatsu motors look good. Let us know how you get on with it.
Good luck with the Mrs!
09 March 2020, 17:32
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Originally Posted by benhben
I ended up pressing go on a new Tohatsu 15hp EFI short shaft at the weekend. My 5hp Yamaha 2 stroke decided to seize up over winter which speeded up the decision. The weight is stated as 43KG which I think is the lightest on the market. Still a big jump up from my 21kg 5hp 2 stroke, but should last me many years. The smoke and oil slick coming out of my oil two stroke also battled with my environmental conscience.
Ive not told the missus yet! Working out how to break the news lol
Can I ask what your doing with the 5hp? I have one with a cracked gearbox
Id be interested in buying the complete engine if your selling it
09 March 2020, 19:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Tyne and Wear
Make: RC 4.8m
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50 & 5
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Sailpower
Thanks for the insight, did the extra weight spoil the trim of the boat? I figured the extra weight to be similar to a full 12l fuel tank, so maybe not too much difference?
I need to strip the carb and see if there's something wrong, it sounds like a blocked airway to the idle screw, but each time it's stripped it requires some new gaskets and if anything actually breaks spares need to come from the US if they're available at all.
Checking through the parts list line by line there aren't any other differences - it would be reassuring to get it checked but so few places want to look at them.
I wonder if using the Quicksilver Premium Plus 2 stroke oil would have made any difference over the quicksilver Premium - need to test both.
It runs great at WoT, your analysis of the engine power vs top speed and planing capability was really helpful in seeing the differences - convinced not to go for the 9.9 options even though the weight would be better even in 4 stroke. Many people have encouraged going to 18/20hp when there isn't a weight penalty but I'm cautious about the weight to carry and the impact on the boat trim.
So I'm in a loop like the OP, 15hp is the right HP, need to decide to keep mine, get a later 2 Stroke or a newer 4 stroke efi. That should keep me busy...
For info.
I have an Aerotec and started off with a vgc 15hp mariner. It was a great engine, light weight, easy to maintain, start etc.. but I felt I needed a bit more power and went for a 25hp tohatsu @52kg.
Not the easiest to lug around but loved the acceleration and instant planing. Biggest problem apart from the weight was it was a thirsty beast and I eventually swapped it out for a new 20hp tohatsu efi.
I really like this engine on the aerotec. Nice easy starter, hasn't got the instant smack of the 25hp but not too far behind. Cruises nicely and is very frugal. I think it's about 43kg so not as light as the 15hp but it has a nice handle and the weight is ok to manage. It also has just about zero transom splash if that concerns you.
All different but all great in their own right. Depends what you plan to do with your boat really..
09 March 2020, 19:51
Country: UK - England
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 15 Efi
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 58
Originally Posted by Stevem
For info.
I have an Aerotec and started off with a vgc 15hp mariner. It was a great engine, light weight, easy to maintain, start etc.. but I felt I needed a bit more power and went for a 25hp tohatsu @52kg.
Not the easiest to lug around but loved the acceleration and instant planing. Biggest problem apart from the weight was it was a thirsty beast and I eventually swapped it out for a new 20hp tohatsu efi.
I really like this engine on the aerotec. Nice easy starter, hasn't got the instant smack of the 25hp but not too far behind. Cruises nicely and is very frugal. I think it's about 43kg so not as light as the 15hp but it has a nice handle and the weight is ok to manage. It also has just about zero transom splash if that concerns you.
All different but all great in their own right. Depends what you plan to do with your boat really..
Thanks, as I understand the 15 and 20hp tohatsu Efi are the same weight, so it’s very tempting, but around £300 more - as it’s a bit of a stretch for the 15 I don’t think I can justify the 20 on our use. It’s good to know it’s a good match for the Aerotec though, I was offered a px deal at Bill Higham so although it’s a bit of a drive I might well just go for it.
Are there dealers you would recommend in the NE? I’m a fairly frequent visitor so it would be interesting to know, the thing holding me back from a new motor is the need to spend cash (£150 - £200) a year on servicing to validate the warranty.
09 March 2020, 20:01
Country: UK - England
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 15 Efi
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 58
Originally Posted by benhben
I ended up pressing go on a new Tohatsu 15hp EFI short shaft at the weekend. My 5hp Yamaha 2 stroke decided to seize up over winter which speeded up the decision. The weight is stated as 43KG which I think is the lightest on the market. Still a big jump up from my 21kg 5hp 2 stroke, but should last me many years. The smoke and oil slick coming out of my oil two stroke also battled with my environmental conscience.
Ive not told the missus yet! Working out how to break the news lol
Good luck with that conversation! Where did you go for the motor?.
I was told by one dealer that the weights are fairly random, in so much as they’re weighed without oil and prop to achieve the claim ‘lightest in class’ but they’re all pretty close.
I’m dithering between a late model 2 stroke or the 15hp tohatsu, held back by the ongoing service costs. Bill Higham seemed to have good prices but would need to get the servicing somewhere else, maybe midlands or SW. Would be very interested in how you get on.
09 March 2020, 20:28
Country: UK - England
Town: Tyne and Wear
Make: RC 4.8m
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50 & 5
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Sailpower
Thanks, as I understand the 15 and 20hp tohatsu Efi are the same weight, so it’s very tempting, but around £300 more - as it’s a bit of a stretch for the 15 I don’t think I can justify the 20 on our use. It’s good to know it’s a good match for the Aerotec though, I was offered a px deal at Bill Higham so although it’s a bit of a drive I might well just go for it.
Are there dealers you would recommend in the NE? I’m a fairly frequent visitor so it would be interesting to know, the thing holding me back from a new motor is the need to spend cash (£150 - £200) a year on servicing to validate the warranty.
I bought mine from Amble Marina who were comparable to the best I could find at the time. Valid point about the servicing costs ref. warranty. They have you over a barrel..
09 March 2020, 20:53
Country: UK - England
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 15 Efi
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 58
That’s a very nice part of the world. A bit further than I could travel for servicing but good to know. I’ll give the 20hp some thought!
09 March 2020, 21:09
Country: UK - England
Town: Morecambe
Make: Honwave T38 IE
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15HP Tohatsu EFI
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 67
I bought mine from Cambridge Outboards ebay shop. They had the cheapest offer for the same motor (£1930). Theres a slightly worrying thread about them on this forum but they rang today to say delivery will be on weds or Thursday so fingers crossed. Will let you all know how I get on.
If anyone is interested there are a couple of dealers on ebay offering a scrappage scheme on tohatsus.
Was toying for ages about a second hand 2 stroke but thought this would hopefully be an investment for many years.
09 March 2020, 22:50
Country: UK - England
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 15 Efi
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 58
Originally Posted by benhben
I bought mine from Cambridge Outboards ebay shop. They had the cheapest offer for the same motor (£1930). Theres a slightly worrying thread about them on this forum but they rang today to say delivery will be on weds or Thursday so fingers crossed. Will let you all know how I get on.
If anyone is interested there are a couple of dealers on ebay offering a scrappage scheme on tohatsus.
Was toying for ages about a second hand 2 stroke but thought this would hopefully be an investment for many years.
Glad to hear they’ve confirmed delivery, I enquired about the scrappage via eBay with ‘another dealer’ and found a maze of confusing conditions, not what it first appeared to be. Maybe better to strike a straightforward deal as you have.
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