Hi Ribsters
Here is the followup on this issue.
Friday I recieved the last two gaskets, to put the engine back together. I meet up with a friend of mine to help out. We changed the top gasket, and put the right torque on it. Then we put on the water cooling top, The first came on right away and seemed to work out ok, but the other side (it's a V4 engine), had 3 bolt,s which didn't get a grip. So we had to drill a bigger hole and make a new thread. To do this, we had to remove the gasket again, and this is a bit special because it's a sticky gasket, so we should have bought a new one, but we tried to put some fluid sealing on and still use the "new" gasket". Then we put it all together. And now
It's woorking.
I took the boat out Sunday to test everything, and the temp is steady whether the boat is going slow or fast, and there dosn't seems to be a leak anywhere.
The rpm is within the normal range, from before I had the problems.
But i did bring paddle's just in case.......
If anyone need's some advice on how to do this, feel free to send me a mail.
It's quit easy once you get the hang of it.
Rene (Outboad mechanic) Nielsen