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Old 14 October 2007, 12:18   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Island Harbour IOW
Boat name: Sharkie
Make: Halmatic Pacific 22
Length: 6m +
Engine: inboard diesel
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 11
Pacific 22

Hi All,
I own a Pacific with a Ford (Mermaid) Dover Turbo 4 engine. I used the boat for commuting across the Solent every day and she would run beautifully at around 25 knots at 2600 rpm. All of a sudden the engine started to smoke horribly and not get enough revs up to let the turbo kick in. As a consequence she would only run at around 8 knots. This problem would occasionally go away and then come back. I took the turbo apart and cleaned it thoroughly and it worked well for a while. Then the problem came back.
I am about to disappear to the Caribbean to work and the boat is with the Gosport Sea Cadets on loan. I am a bit desparate to get her fixed so they can use her. Can anyone please advise me on what the problem could be, and what the solution could be as well?
When checked not so long back, the cylinder pressures were all around 475psi.
I am an engineer by trade, but in electronics, not engines. I can turn my hand to most things but sadly am working remotely on this problem, by being away.
Many thanks in anticipation.
Steve White 07702 706784
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Old 14 October 2007, 12:38   #2
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
Length: 8m +
Engine: Volvo KAD300/DPX
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 5,596
Blue smoke or black smoke? Blue smoke, turbo seals failing or muck under the seal edge but it doesn't normally kill the engine's performance. Black smoke, excess fuel or limited air, could be a number of things. I don't want to guess.

The engine compartment doesn't happen to have a fire shutdown mechanism to kill the air supply does it?
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Old 21 October 2007, 19:10   #3
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Country: UK - England
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Posts: 4,951
Steve if you are really struggling, Mermaid can do a visit. Although its going to cost including travel might be a quicker answer to trying lots of different components. I would ask them to bring down a second hand turbo to test the rest of the system. I take it the exhaust isn't blocked by chance is it.

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