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Old 05 January 2003, 19:02   #61
Country: UK - England
Town: cambridge
Make: Valiant DR600
Length: Six
Engine: Merc 4 st. EFI 115hp
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Posts: 24
Valiant 6 m with 115 merc efi tows well on single axle trailer and is manageable in and out of drive slipping and retrieving etc with a bit of help. Don't know fuel consumption, but feels negligible. 150 litre under floor tank
Slower than expected at 25mph cruising 4/6 up +gear and 35mph flat out (GPS). Am working on speed by playing with prop etc. It doesn't go slower or faster however many in boat, so I suspect it's not set up properly.
In retrospect I wish I had bought a 7.5 metre boat, but that's more about boys toys and not particularly practical for where my boat is, and the need to get it in and out of the water frequently and usually short handed.
Incidentally I'm in West Wickham Cambridge presumably you are in the other WW?
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Old 05 January 2003, 19:58   #62
Country: UK - Isle of Man
Town: Douglas Isle of Man
Make: Osprey
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Answer for GaryGee.....

Don't know, but I'll find out (mine is 450kg all up).

I did find out that I need to attach the supplementary coupling though - it doesn't actually reach as we've a detachable 'swan neck' type hitch, so I'm off to buy some chain and snap links tomorrow!


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Old 06 January 2003, 08:32   #63
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
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I bought a Yam 200 VMax last year from SAfrica (price @ GBP 4,000) and a 7 mtr RIB fully equipped (i.e. vhf, GPS, Anchors, chains, Aframe, boat cover, traler etc) at total value GBP 12,500 and paid 17.5 % VAT in the UK.A customs clearing agent charged me about GBP 60 for clerance and went and picked it up from Felixtow but I could have done it my self and save the money. Is easy.
SAfrica is expemt from import duty in the UK if you get a GSP (or something like that) form. So didn't pay import duty.
The engine is CE marked and carries a Yamaha international Gurantee.
If you are interested contact Falcon (they are also Yamaha reps and service agents in the region) in SAfrica at and they will advise you about price.
Their email address Mr Pieter Heyneman and mention my name. You will get 1st class service.
Regarding transport it will not cost you as much as these are small items and can be grouped with others so you will share. Typically a 40 ft cntr from SAfrica to the UK costs GBP 1,600 (about) plus otherr expenses here in the UK about GBP 300.
Good luck
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Old 06 January 2003, 10:23   #64
Country: Other
Make: FB 55
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Be Warned

Some years ago I imported my Hysucat with twin Yam 4 strokes from South Africa. The port side engine developed a problem with the trim/tilt relay and I took it to the 'official' Yamaha agent as it was clearly a warranty job. Well, talk about frustration, exasperation,and down-right unhelpfulness. I eventually paid them to replace the relay which cost me in excess of £200.00 labour and parts. I took the matter further with Yamaha UK and dealt directly with their head-honcho, David Pouger. The official line was that although it was a 'grey import' and the Yamaha warranty is valid world-wide, there is an anomoly with the UK. Basically they can do what they want and do NOT conform to international agreements on Yamaha products. Now, if I were anywhere else in Europe it would not have been a problem. To the best of my knowledge this matter remains unresolved.

So, just check with your local agent if he will honour the warranty of an outboard purchased in SA.....or anywhere else for that matter, before going ahead with the deal.
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Old 06 January 2003, 12:26   #65
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
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I don't know about the UK and most likely you are correct (as always ).
However, have towed the boat to Greece and during the middle of the summer did the 10 hour service.
Was free of charge but had to pay Euro 15 (petrol) as I had the engineer coming all the way out where I keep the boat to do the service. He changed spark plugs, tighten cyl head, greased shaft, did the lot etc etc
He actually told me that he had checked with Yamaha Europe and the service was covered under the international gurantee of my engine.
However, as you say one should always check the cover you get from the dealer before purchasing anything from abroad any way.
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Old 06 January 2003, 14:05   #66
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Boat name: Seahound
Make: Scorpion Sportscruiser
Length: 9.50m
Engine: 2 x 200 Evinrude Ficht
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 39
Alan & Manos
Yes i do have 2 x 300 hp promax on the back of seahound and hence the intrest in getting a couple of the new hpdi or ficht models. I was quoted £18500 for a twin set up of 225hp 4 strokes (yamaha) without the vat from a UK dealer. So if a 200 hpdi is only going to cost £4000 + shipping etc then i am really intrested. I will get in touch with the guys in SA that Manos forwarded and let you know what the up to date costs are.

I know the Evinrude Ficht has had a bad history with OMC, but they are now quoting some impressive performance figures, ref economy / emissions. Can anyone vouch for them ??

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Old 06 January 2003, 16:48   #67
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
Seahound why dont you look at putting a diesl in it.

One running costs.
Two range.
Three longevity.
4 performance.

Your boat will weigh about aprox 2 ton with a single Volvo/yanmar in it, the weight will be 2.5 aprox.For a open boat it will fly 40knts+and give you 12 gallons of red an hour,on full tilt.

If you do a deal you will buy a yanmar315 for 12 k+ if thats your prefered engine, but watch out for emissions and tecknology as I have heard on the grape vine that Cummins/Mercury will lounch a 370hp electronic soon with a beefy leg.Also Yanmar will soon go electronic on this engine meaning less emissions and more fuel economy.

A set of re inboard engine mounts will proberbly cost you arond 2k.

Engine if your not trade 15k.

Second hand value 20% more than that if your outboard version, and runninig costs less than a quatar if your u.k bound

Its only a thought.

Good luck whatever way you go.

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Old 06 January 2003, 20:29   #68
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
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Performance, consumption

HONDA BF225 Tested on a Revenger 27 with a SOLAS prop 14 x 21"

Revs knots ltr/hr ltr/mile
idling 3 - -
1500 4.5 5 1.10
2000 7 9 1.28
2500 12 17 1.40
3000 20 22 1.10
3500 26 32 1.23
4000 31 40 1.29
4500 35 50 1.28
5000 39 60 1.53
5500 43 68 1.58
5700 (W.O.T.) 47 78 1.65

SUZUKI DF 140 Tested on a ORIZON 5.80 with a 14 x 19" and 14 x 21" props

Revs knots ltr/hr ltr/mile
21" 19" 21" 19"
1000 3 3.3 1 0.33 0.30
1500 4 5.4 1.5 0.37 0.27
2000 5 6.6 5 1 0.75
2500 8 8.6 10.5 1.31 1.22
3000 13 14.5 14 1.07 0.96
3500 18 19.3 18 1 0.93
4000 23 22.6 22 0.95 0.97
4500 28 26 30 1.07 1.15
5000 32 30.4 35 1.09 1.15
5500 35 33.5 41 1.17 1.22
6000 37 36.1 47 1.27 1.30
6200 40 38 48 1.20 1.26
6500 - 40 52 - 1.30

YAMAHA 200 HPDI Tested on a BAT INDIAN 660 with 3 differenrt props

Prop Yamaha 19 13 3/4 x 20 std inox
Revs knots ltr/hr ltr/mile
idling - - -
1500 5.8 7 1.20
2000 9 14 1.55
2500 13.2 21 1.59
3000 22.6 22 0.97
3500 27 27 1.00
4000 32.5 34 1.04
4500 36 40 1.11
5000 41 50 1.21
5500 47 65 1.38
5700 (W.O.T.) 49 80 1.63

Prop Yamaha 13 3/4 x 20 inox
Revs knots ltr/hr ltr/mile
idling - - -
1500 5 7 1.4
2000 7 14 2
2500 15 21 1.4
3000 21 22 1.04
3500 27 27 1.00
4000 33 34 1.03
4500 37.5 40 1.06
5000 42 50 1.19
5500 46 65 1.41
5700 (W.O.T.) 49 80 1.63

Prop Yamaha Pro Inox 14 1/4 x 21
Revs knots ltr/hr ltr/mile
idling - - -
1500 5 7 1.4
2000 8.8 14 1.59
2500 15 21 1.4
3000 23 22 0.95
3500 28 27 0.96
4000 33 34 1.03
4500 38 40 1.05
5000 42 50 1.19
5500 48 65 1.35
5700 (W.O.T.) 50 80 1.60

Is that enough or you want some more comparisons??

PS Is a pitty it comes up like this since I spent a bit of time to line everything up.It seems that this browser does not recognise many consequitive spaces between words and condences everything
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Old 06 January 2003, 21:19   #69
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 2,100
Thats interesting Manos.....

appears to back up my contention that my HPDi uses about a litre a mile.

On another note, the Yam VMAX engine you bought in SA for £4k, was that a HPDI or a standard model? List on a new 200 HPDI in UK is £11k+!!

Alan is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 06 January 2003, 21:32   #70
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
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The Yam 200 VMAX is the 2 stroke (don't like to use 4-strokes engines yet as they do not have been tested as much as the 2-strokes in the sea environment - is only a personal thing).
I believe that the price for the new 200 VMax was about GBP 1500 dearer than the one I've got. Still cheaper than the UK price.
In Europe (inc Greece) the HPDI is about Euro 15,000 or about GBP 9,600
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