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Old 08 June 2020, 12:04   #1
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Piranha Props

Does anyone use, or has used, one of these plastic re-buildable props as their main prop?

I not looking to do so myself, i have a Laser II Stainless prop for my engine and the offer of a couple of others to test, but am interested in the Piranha concept.

I brought one used from somewhere at least 15yrs ago, it's a 4 blade 22P, and came with 6 blades in total so I have two spare.

It was brought to fit my old Johnson 150VRO, and to keep in the boat as a spare, along with a set of washers and nut of course.

It makes a lot of sense as a spare because it weights very little even compared to an Aluminium prop, and when broken down fits in a space smaller than the assembled prop.
It would get me home even if it's slightly the wrong pitch etc.

When I swapped the VRO for a DT200EFI I made the prop fit the DT by putting the hub in my lathe and skimming just a couple of mm off the outside diameter just just for a couple of mm up the length of the hub.
It has been sat in the boat unused for @14yrs, ready in case it's needed.

I was thinking it wouldn't fit the 225 Optimax I've just brought, but as you can see from the images it dropped straight on ready to go.
I will need to buy another spare Nut though as the Suzuki one won't fit.

So am I wrong to dismiss it as only being good for a get me home spare?
Or is that all it's good for?

Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	Pirp 1.jpg
Views:	83
Size:	111.0 KB
ID:	133438   Click image for larger version

Name:	PirP 2.jpg
Views:	86
Size:	131.4 KB
ID:	133439   Click image for larger version

Name:	PirP 3.jpg
Views:	85
Size:	97.7 KB
ID:	133440  
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Old 08 June 2020, 18:31   #2
Country: UK - England
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I remember using Piranha props around 1996 when the were supplied to a company I worked for. Unfortunately it wasn't unusual for a boat to come back from 'exercise' with a blade missing, not through contact with rocks or debris but through over enthusiastic wave jumping. As a back up prop I would imagine they'd be fine.
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Old 09 June 2020, 00:17   #3
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Yeh, I used one for a while on my old Johnson too. It didn't break but it was a low performer due, I reckon, to the flexibility and thickness of the blades. It would work fine just not top notch. More than capable as a spare though.
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