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Old 21 July 2010, 19:37   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Boat name: Derisher
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Engine: Yamaha 25 HP 2 strok
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Posts: 19
Power output on yamaha 25hp 2 stroke 2006

I have a socket on the front of my yamaha 25hp 2 stroke for power output. My query is whether anyone has made use of this and whether the engine would produce enough power to run nav lights? If so my thoughts are exactly what nav lights do I need. I am assuming that it is an all round white at the stern at least 1 metre above the bow red green? If this is the case I am thinking of pursuing the idea of fitting them on to a bread board with 2 handles that I can fix on the bow when required. The stern light I would probably mount on something like an old broom handle that will drop into the plastic fishing rod supports on my transom. a length of bungy would be used to keep this secure.
Has anyone got any better ideas for lights on a SIB?
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Old 21 July 2010, 21:58   #2
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That "power output" sounds exactly like the lighting socket so will be fine for lights!

Yes you should have an allround white, mounted (>1m) above a red and green port/starboard light. There are some expensive military "light poles" which if you search the forum (perhaps for SIB nav lights) you might uncover - but you sound like you are looking for a sensibly priced option. I'm sure i've seen someone with an alround white which attached to the top of the engine cowel with a "sucker". Mine is on a screw in removable pole mounted on top of the console - I guess you could do something similar if you decide against the broom pole.
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Old 22 July 2010, 00:26   #3
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I've got an ex-mod light pole, should be easy enough to make one out of carbon fibre poles.
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Old 22 July 2010, 08:54   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
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I did much the same thing on my old SR. Used some heavy duty drainpipe for the ARW pole. By doing them separately as you suggest (R/G on a separate baord) you don't have the problem of preventing the pole light rotating in it's mount (and in a worst case showing a red to Starboard)

Another option is to find a gubbed 2Hp engine, and you have an instant transom clamp to fit the pole to.
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