18 June 2013, 15:08
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Problem with Yamaha impeller
Hi can anyone help,my Yamaha 40 hp pumps water OK when cold,but after a while as it starts to worm up the flow gets less and less. Is this as the impeller worms up and gets softer,and if so will a new one stop this.
18 June 2013, 16:19
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No, it's something else. Does the water get really hot?
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18 June 2013, 16:34
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Not that hot just worm i think.
18 June 2013, 17:03
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Impeller is well away from the powerhead; only heating will be from friction, which is pretty unlikely as it's submerged in water.
Have you checked the thermostat? And made sure the telltale hose is clear?
18 June 2013, 17:30
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Perhaps the thermostat is opening too soon allowing water to circulate further in waterways and never getting that hot.
Or needing to be flushed of all salt/crud etc. Poke thick fishing line down the tell-tell hole to make sure that's clear of crud.
19 June 2013, 12:34
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Thanks to everyone that has got back to me,got going with it last night and gave it all a good clean out, thermostat and behind the exhaust cover, what a mess it was in dirt sand and grit all back together now, and just gave it a run it was fine but as it started to heat up, and I picked the revs up the water flow started to slow and get very hot,is it the thermostat that is at fault .
19 June 2013, 19:32
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According to my F115 shop manual, the thermostat should be closed at 28-52 degrees C Above 60, it should open at least 4.3mm. While specs may be different for your motor, the operation should be fairly close.
One other thing to think about is that if you had that much crap behind the thermostat, what's actually in the water journals? Maybe a good flush and descaling would be in order?
19 June 2013, 19:34
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If that horse it's old place a new thmo, probably with issues already, other thing. If engine was poorly rinsed after use in salt water, you may have built slat, crust formations inside water paths, depending on how much it's clogged, salted inside, will eventually experiment higher than normal temp exiting through prop & pee hole.
Crankcase it's not being refrigerated by impeller as it should, as when having clean water paths. If changing a new thermo doesn't fix the issue, will be in need to pull cylinder head off and perform a exhaustive water paths clean out, take advantage to decarbon head, head pistons too. Place a new head gasket, torque to specs, will have a revitalized running wild horse again.
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19 June 2013, 19:49
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I noticed one thing on my Yam 75 impellor casing, that a little 'tang' got sheared off from the stainless impellor case, which meant it would rotate with the impellor inside the plastic housing, and I 'thought' reduce flow .. although I never followed up my theory, I just replaced it ... do you have any pics ?
19 June 2013, 20:04
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Before you go tearing into the powerhead...
Check that the little metal tab that holds the impeller in place is working right. It could be that the impeller is slipping round the shaft at higher revs and output. And at idle the torque on the impeller is limited such that it pumps ok.
I'd replace the impeller before doing anything else. Its cheap and you may discover the source of the issue inside the water pump.
19 June 2013, 20:30
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Un be fookin leivable ?
19 June 2013, 22:06
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
Un be fookin leivable ? 
Figured the OP had no idea what you were fookin takin aboot
21 June 2013, 14:02
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Bigmuz; if you described it as a "Woodruff Key", it might have been clearer. It sounded like you were talking about the housing spinning (though I can't see that happening.)
21 June 2013, 15:25
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Originally Posted by jyasaki
Bigmuz; if you described it as a "Woodruff Key", it might have been clearer. It sounded like you were talking about the housing spinning (though I can't see that happening.)
He was. there's a stainless insert in most housings that the impeller sits in. It can spin if the locating 'lug' is broken off.
See pic below.
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21 June 2013, 21:06
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Yamaha impeller problem
Thanks to everyone for all your suggestions, I'm gradually working my way through a process of elimination. Have installed a new thermostat, have taken off the exhaust housing cover and removed as much grit, dirt and grime as I could. The only thing I haven't done at the moment is replaced the impeller, due to the fact I was sent the wrong one and it was loose on the shaft, unlike the original one which was still tight and did work...well to start with anyway, till I started picking up the revs and it started getting warmed up, so still not sure as yet if it's an impeller problem, but going to replace that with the correct one anyway. Did consider that it might be the impeller housing slip in, but everything seems to be ok there and woodruff key in place, also thinking about flushing the system out with a descaller. still not thinking about going in to the head just yet but if I have to I will, have included some pics,original impeller closest in pics. .
21 June 2013, 21:25
RIBnet admin team
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Is the top one the old impeller? Is that a brass insert I can see?
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21 June 2013, 21:28
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Your old impeller does look a little worn at the end of the blades.
When we rebuilt the Yam 75 we replaced the impeller as the tell tale wasn't great, it made NO difference. Suspecting a blockage I took the gearbox off and put the garden hose on the water pick up pipe and turned it on to see if there was restricted flow, there wasn't. It had to be something to do with the pump.
I noticed the stainless cup had some slight grooving in it so I ordered and fitted a new one.......job sorted!
The tell tale would almost drill glass now, even at idle.
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21 June 2013, 21:34
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no the bottom one is the old one, and yes I think the new one has a brass lining.
21 June 2013, 21:38
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Originally Posted by earthdog1970
no the bottom one is the old one.
Ah well, that's my "worn looking impeller" theory out the window!
There is a place on this planet for all of Gods creatures.........right next to my tatties and gravy.
21 June 2013, 21:39
Country: UK - Scotland
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But why would it go from a good jet on start up, to water getting very hot and stopping altogether.
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