Prop and mounting suggestions for Suzuki dF250 on Vipermax 680
I have read pros and cons of offsetting the motor to starboard, but I can´t seem to find a conclusion what is best. What do you reckon I should do? Should I mount it high, or keep the cavity plate in line with the bottom of the boat? The boat is being built now, so I have never even seen a Vipermax in person, but it seems to be a popular boat. And since there are a few here with vipermax, you might have some input :-)
The boat will get a strengthen transom to cope with the 250HP motor. It is not the Suzuki DF250AP but the lighter TX version. It will be used mostly in the fjords, but also on expeditions in arctic Svalbard, where the weather and sea can get quite nasty.
Regarding props, should I start with the original one and se what rpm´s and what speed I get before getting suggestions?
Thank you for your time.