12 July 2007, 14:57
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"Prop is out of draw" Spanish Expression
The yard where I keep my boat in spain has just emailed me saying
"noticed that the prop is out of draw and must be changed"
I dont recoginise this terminology and it may be confused in the transilation
The boat is all but new having only been trucked down there this easter when we used it for a week and since then it has been in secure inside storage. The prop hasnt hit anything and when we left it seemed in perfect condition.
Anybody got any ideas what they may be trying to tell me?
12 July 2007, 15:01
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Originally Posted by Jon.esp
The yard where I keep my boat in spain has just emailed me saying
"noticed that the prop is out of draw and must be changed"
I dont recoginise this terminology and it may be confused in the transilation
The boat is all but new having only been trucked down there this easter when we used it for a week and since then it has been in secure inside storage. The prop hasnt hit anything and when we left it seemed in perfect condition.
Anybody got any ideas what they may be trying to tell me?
Perhaps your prop has been buying lotto draw tickets without your knowledge and they haven't bought any recently
- sorry not a clue
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12 July 2007, 15:35
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Perhaps it means out of balance or out of line? ie bent!
12 July 2007, 21:42
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My RIB is in dry berth here in Spain & I have never heard the expression. I do notice though that the boats that they know are laid up long term have their props removed & stored elsewhere.
Where in Spain are you? I notice looking at this forum that Ribbing here is very different, we have never been out in anything but shorts & t shirts. Biggest improvement on boat is the bimini top!
Cheers & sorry couldn´t be any more use.
12 July 2007, 22:04
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Can anyone use the RIB in Spain? If not then you could rule out anything relating to Cavitation, out of balance issues etc.
Other than that, contact the people looking after it and ask them to be more specific?
Post their reply here
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12 July 2007, 22:06
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Originally Posted by Hightower
Can anyone use the RIB in Spain? If not then you could rule out anything relating to Cavitation, out of balance issues etc.
Other than that, contact the people looking after it and ask them to be more specific?
Post their reply here 
You speak Spanish then
12 July 2007, 22:09
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Originally Posted by Biggles
You speak Spanish then 
But everyone in the civilised world speaks English
Doing a bit of reversed translation on Bablefish I came up with the word "Drainage" instead of "Draw"
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12 July 2007, 22:10
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Just shout at them. That normally works. You'll be telling me next your a cunning linguist
12 July 2007, 22:15
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Originally Posted by Biggles
Just shout at them. That normally works. You'll be telling me next your a cunning linguist 
Don't have to, as my wife knows this about me already
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13 July 2007, 05:28
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Ask them for a pic, thousand words etc
13 July 2007, 07:54
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Thanks for everbodys responce
The problem is that the mechanics speak Catalan whilst the receptionists who emailed me speaks German and emails me in English. Its a bit like Chinese whispers. My Catalan is non existant whilst my Spanish is very very rusty so the opertunity for misunderstanding is endless.
We fly out on monday evening so will sort it out then.
I dont think the prop is chiped or bent in anyway but it may be something to do with the boss. It is interesting that Ribinspain says that he notices that they store boats with the props removed. Is this for saftey. It may be that when pulling it from the shaft it has been damaged. I am not familiar with these outboard props having always had sailing boats before but I think they may have some sort of rubber liner that goes over the shaft or inside the bos of the prop itself and it may be this that is damaged. Mind you I didnt ask them do pull the prop just flush the engine and hose the boat down before storing it after easter. Maybe they pull the prop as a matter or course. Anyway I will find out next week but dont want to be railroaded into buying a new prop without evaluating it first. I was going to do the WOT trials and then get a new SS 4 blade prop from Steel Development and take it out with me when we go again in August. I suspect my existing prop is underpitched.
On a slightly diferent line I notice thet Ribinspain talks about a Bimini and that is something I was going to look at. with only a 6m boat it is a bit small and I was wondering how to do it. any chance of any pics. I notice you are down in Valencia whilst we are in the bay of Rosas which is in the north medi coast only a few miles from the french border. In the spring we can see the snow on the mountains and when the wind blows from the north east it can be quite chilly even though the sun is warm so we wear windproof tops when afloat. Mind you this time of the year they wont be used.
13 July 2007, 13:39
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Hi, I got my bimini from Accastillage Diffusion, page 255 in the catalogue & they have a shop at Rosas, Avenida Rodhes 15-1, Rosas, Gerona, Tel 972 256 510. I get 10% off as I store my boat at their yard here in the South - worth asking for.
Its a Plastimo bimini 2m square x 1.45 m high & cost 273e. Says it will stay up at 25 knots but that´s a bit optimistic. Ribeye bimini was 700 GBP or so which was way off the pace.
To save you 2 days of faffing about here´s best way of fitting - I will post a pic next week.
Rest Bimini behind A frame as that´s where you want it to be at rest, like a cabrio car pram hood. Extend support arms along top of tubes.
Look to see where nearest fitting is to attach end of support arms, I didn´t want to stick patches on tubes so I used a guide rope holder already there. Cut support arms to enable this & stick on end stays, or make an extension attachment if extra length needed.
That´s it really, I spent 2 days faffing as I kept changing my mind where to fit it! You can buy a fitting kit but I didn´t want to go sticking stuff on the tubes, best use factory fitted patches as they are there already.
Tape up frame corners with grey PVC tape to keep the structure in place, its folds flat & may do when you don´t want it to.
Obviously without a piccy a bit difficult so I´ll post one next week.
Cheers & good luck
ps, before cutting stays make sure you get some shade when up!
13 July 2007, 16:08
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Thanks for the tip. I look forward to seeing the photos and when I'm down there next week I will pop round to the place in Rosas and see if they have one.
I had thought of runing it from the A Frame to the screen but it will need to be lifted up a bit. On the mercury marine website home page they have a piture (2) showing a fishing launch with a solid bimini suported on SS suports.
Perhaps something like that would work but would be pricy.
There are several sailmakers and chaps making blinds and awnings down there and I had thought I would get them to make up the bimini and then find somebody to fabricate the ss suports. But that would come to alot more than 300 E. I found a big roll of sail cloth in one of our stores the other day and to keep costs down I might make that bit myself.
The trouble with Biminis on small boats is that unless the sun is overhead then its dificult to keep in the shade. How do you find it? also do you just use it at anchor when swiming etc or do you try to keep it up when underway.
I think we are drifting of the topic of these mechanics saying I must replace the prop as it is out of draw!!!!!! The more I think about that I think it is something to do with them taking the prop off. They havent come back to me at all.
13 July 2007, 17:59
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e-mail me the catalan and I can get it translated for you.
13 July 2007, 19:29
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yes I was going to get a metal fabricator to make up a copy but the quote was big, shame as it could have stayed up permanently & provided grab handles. Quote was for material only & it soon hit 500e. As you say the A frame is already there & just needs a front support to take the shade.
You are correct about protection only from the overhead sun so I take a white cotton bed sheet & some pegs, we just fold up the sheet as needed & pin it on the frame. A really effective solution & cost nothing. We do get funny looks from the poncy boat parade who moor nearby but so what.
Returning to the boat storage without prop, the yard is by the water´s edge & I reckon it is for security, just in case some pikee riff raff fancy a joy ride.
Enjoy yr trip, water temp is 30 deg c down here.
13 July 2007, 21:12
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thanks for the offer
but it isnt that simple
the mechanic who speaks catalan dosent email me. He talks to the german receptionist in spanish who in turn emails me in english.
I'm going down there on monday and will sort it out then
thanks again
16 July 2007, 07:01
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Originally Posted by Jon.esp
but it isnt that simple
the mechanic who speaks catalan dosent email me. He talks to the german receptionist in spanish who in turn emails me in english.
I can probably get it translated into Japanese, if that'll help.
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