prop to reduce planing rpm
Hi. New member here
What I have is:
Joker coaster 5.8 Rib
Yamaha F100aet 4stroke carb
Gear ratio 2.31
Manufacturer wot rpm 5000-6000
I have tried these two props:
Yamaha prop Diameter: 12.625, Pitch: 21
Yamaha prop Diameter: 13.25, Pitch: 17
The 21 planes at 4000rpm 20knots 33% slip @ wot 5200- 5400rpm 32knots 25% slip
The 17 planes at 4400rpm 20knots 25% slip @ wot 6000rpm 32knots 12% slip
The 21 is over prop and slips a lot, the 17 seems right but the planning rpm is too high
Should I look for a 4 blade 17 hopping that it will reduce slip and low the planing rpm?
or should I look for a pitch 19 3 blade ?