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Old 14 December 2016, 20:40   #1
Country: USA
Town: Santa Cruz
Boat name: WyYacht
Make: Avon se400dl 2007
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki 4stroke 50hp
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 6
props for avon 400dl center console plus suzuki 4 stroke 50 hp.

I have tried to include all the pertinents below. Has anyone out there got a similar setup and use their rib in a similar fashion who can help me prop the WyYacht before I go crazy.

I have acquired a used 2007 or so Avon CC (specs: https://issuu.com/marinemegastore.co...catalogue-2007 ) seems to be vee not deep vee hull, about 500 lbs unladen 5 passenger{ha! that'll be a squeeze} 1000 lb payload and found an approx 250 lb suzuki 4 stroke 50 HP long shaft remote steering cerca 2005 (DF50TLK5) to mate with it. (This is the max hp and right at the max weight the boat is rated for) It seems that choosing a prop is near rocket science, I have used a few online wizards but not gotten the definitive prop. for my setup/usage. This dinghy will be used to tool around at sea level though I want an altitude prop Lake Tahoe 6500 feet or so as well. I believe the fuel tank is 10 gallons, but it may be 10 liters. haven't found that info. It would be rare I had more that 3 adults and a cooler with a 12 pack plus fuel. I like to cruise around by myself and often anchor at a surf break (not nearby Mavericks's to be sure) and surf off my current Livingston Dinghy) So while not a racer I hope it to be racy when one or two of us are aboard. I will use her in swell to be sure. We have hella kelp on the central California coast and it is easy to get your water intake blocked.
I have found no good way of contacting avon directly to see if they just use stock props generally when they sell their boats as packages.
I did find this with help of a local data.

a similar boat with a similar 50hp Yam 4stroke came "stock" with a 10-5/8 x 12 but that is for a tiller model.

Suzuki has many OEM props for the DF50: I found similar yamahas on similar Ribs come with

Type Material Blades Diameter Pitch Part Number ’99 – later
S900 Aluminum 3 11-1/2 9 58100-88L01-019 n
S1000 Aluminum 3 11-1/2 10 58100-88L10-019 n
S1100 Aluminum 3 11-1/2 11 58100-88L21-019 n
S1200 Aluminum 3 11-5/8 12 58100-88L31-019 n
S1301 Aluminum 3 11-1/2 13 58100-88L41-019 n
S1400 Aluminum 3 11-3/8 14 58100-88L51-019 n
S1500 Aluminum 3 11-1/4 15 58100-88L61-019 n
S1600 Aluminum 3 11-1/8 16 58100-88L70-019 n
S1700 Aluminum 3 11 17 58100-88L80-019 n
Stainless Steel 3 11-3/4 12 990C0-00501-12P n
Stainless Steel 3 11-3/4 13 990C0-00501-13P n
Stainless Steel 3 11-3/4 14 990C0-00501-14P n
Stainless Steel 3 11-3/4 15 990C0-00501-15P n
Stainless Steel 3 11-3/4 16 990C0-00501-16P n
Stainless Steel 3 11-3/4 17 990C0-00501-17P n

The avon specs are here:

current df50a specs here, I believe '05 and up are still the same.
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Old 14 December 2016, 21:08   #2
Country: UK - England
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Your right it's not an exact science by any means there are so many variables and no one prop will do all you want so you have to go with a base prop usually what is supplied by the manufacturer go out with the maximum load you want or the engine will perform with have an tackometer fitted and see if you reach maximum revs and work from that going up or down a pitch or more one inch of pitch per 150-200 RPM there are calculators that give some idea
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Old 14 December 2016, 21:15   #3
Country: USA
Town: Santa Cruz
Boat name: WyYacht
Make: Avon se400dl 2007
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki 4stroke 50hp
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 6
Brently out of Inflatable Boat specialist Ventura Ca gave me some advice and let me know what they have on some similar boats:
"We also have one of the new YL380/SS380 in stock with a F50 and that has the same prop: 10 5/8 x 12. These props from the factory are average props for most applications, but keep in mind they do their testing on calmer waters than we often see in the Channel. Often, we require a prop with a little less pitch when you are doing a lot of hill climbing or carrying large loads."
Thanks Brently this is a big help.
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Old 14 December 2016, 21:19   #4
Country: USA
Town: Santa Cruz
Boat name: WyYacht
Make: Avon se400dl 2007
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki 4stroke 50hp
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 6
So you suggest, Jeff just starting with one and fine tuning it by later purchasing another after figuring out wot and rpm and all that jazz. I have an Achilles heel along these lines. For my surfboards for example I must have 3 dozen skegs and fins. Props are more costly so Hopefully that will limit the hoard.
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Old 14 December 2016, 21:23   #5
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The 410 ADV is different from the 400 DL.

Make sure to check the archives...

Here's a 400 DL:
Gluing geek since 2007
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Old 15 December 2016, 09:13   #6
Country: UK - England
Town: Retford
Boat name: Spy-sea-one
Make: Excel 435
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Engine: Suzuki Outboard/25/4
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Originally Posted by wyocoyote View Post
So you suggest, Jeff just starting with one and fine tuning it by later purchasing another after figuring out wot and rpm and all that jazz. I have an Achilles heel along these lines. For my surfboards for example I must have 3 dozen skegs and fins. Props are more costly so Hopefully that will limit the hoard.
yes mate thats the way i have done it, start with the prop supplied with the engine if its secondhand. if new ask the dealer for options on prop he should be able to help through experiance. you will have to playaround a bit with weight until you find what your engine can cope with 4 adults might be fine but the boat might take a long time to get on the plain 3 adults and she might fly along as an example.
i have a mercury 365 HD SIB 100kg with a suzuki 25 61kg + fuel and kit around 200 - 220 kg total, nearly double that with me in say 400 kg running a 10,1/4 x 11 prop @ wide open throtle perfect conditions flat calm i have had 24knts but relistically its around 22knts at WOT and on the plain instantly.not sure of the rpm as yet until next time out but i think around 5500 rpm.
i spoke to suzuki uk about props their answer was too many variables to quote a prop size to me.
prop selection for my engine is [pitch] 9 inch to 14 inch rpm 5000 to 6000
a df 50hp 9inch to 17inch rpm 5300 to 6300
hope that helps
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Old 15 December 2016, 10:26   #7
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Spy-sea-one
Make: Excel 435
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Engine: Suzuki Outboard/25/4
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if you go on the suzuki web site look in fuel efficiency there's about 20 downloads of different craft some around your size giving performance, prop size, weight carried, fuel consumption, crew which will help you a lot.
thats the UK site not looked at the US site in case its different.
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Old 15 December 2016, 10:35   #8
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There's no substitute for trial & error when it comes to props. I always tend to underprop to get max rpm, this gives better response in the rough. From my limited, but increasing experience, the Suzuki 4strokes aren't the most responsive of engines & they need all the help they can get. You will sacrifice a bit of top end, but the boat will handle better.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4:Don't feed the troll
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Old 15 December 2016, 18:20   #9
Country: USA
Town: Santa Cruz
Boat name: WyYacht
Make: Avon se400dl 2007
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki 4stroke 50hp
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Posts: 6
Richard, that is a big help, maybe I'll start with similar to 10” X 15 pitch Yamaha prop
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Old 15 December 2016, 18:22   #10
Country: USA
Town: Santa Cruz
Boat name: WyYacht
Make: Avon se400dl 2007
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki 4stroke 50hp
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Jeff I'll check out Suzuki UK. Suzuki is no longer very big market share in US mostly Yamaha Honda mercury evinrude nowadays.
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Old 15 December 2016, 18:42   #11
Country: USA
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Boat name: WyYacht
Make: Avon se400dl 2007
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Engine: Suzuki 4stroke 50hp
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I think this is the relevant data Jeff reffered to for the df50A Both boats 300 plus pounds heavier (including outboard)
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Old 15 December 2016, 19:33   #12
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Take the boat out with its normal load with its current prop.
Make several runs at WOT and make a note of the rpm achieved.
Compare that figure with the engine manufacturers specified WOT rev range for that engine.
Then you can decide what props would best suit your needs.
Ideally you should do the same for the high altitude usage.
Anything else - including the various online prop selectors - is at best guesswork.
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Old 15 December 2016, 20:01   #13
Country: UK - England
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Make: Excel 435
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Engine: Suzuki Outboard/25/4
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Try this you can see a few variants in small craft showing prop size weights etc you should see a bit of a patten between them to get somewhere near prop size but as said you have to get on the water to prove with your set up.

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Old 15 December 2016, 20:03   #14
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Originally Posted by wyocoyote View Post
Richard, that is a big help, maybe I'll start with similar to 10” X 15 pitch Yamaha prop
I've got my bets placed on this one for high altitude:
S1200 Aluminum 3 11-5/8 12 58100-88L31-019 n

My guess would be 30 mph top speed.
Gluing geek since 2007
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