I knew you'd bring that up
I'm not trying to make excuses

, but I managed a two way average of 52knts dead (proper two way, alone) a while back, just before we had it out of the water, and just after we'd had the hull cleaned, since it had been in for a good two months nearly.
Best I managed one way was 53.08knts, and alone, that was REALLY scary. Above 52 it chine walked like mental, although I think its onset was delayed by the slight chop I was running in, it was rolling from side to side like crazy, each time it took off from the wave it landed slightly side on, so I got a nice healthy dose of g's trying to throw me out the side every few seconds - not a pleasant prospect at that sort of speed

. I did have the sense to don the gecko though, I knocked most of my front teeth out last year (not boating) and I don't think that smashing into the screen surround would be very pleasant going on that experience
P.S. there were two dead weights hampering our progress last time

P.P.S. Theres a bloke on the french rib forum from just near us, says hes just aquired a Vipermax called Jigsaw, looks like we'll be seeing more of her in the near future