Hi, can anyone advise, I have a wonning light on the Opti max which I have been told is that no. 5 injector is at fault!
I was told that it is OK to run but the only way to clear the fault is to replace the injector
It dose run well, although I have only run it in this condition so I have not way of knowing if the new injector will make any difference to the performance!
So I have asked the chaps how fitted the outboard to fit a new injector, no problem Just anther £160 + fitting

BUT you will need new O rings & these only come in sets for all 6 injectors at a price of £70 odd squid
What is so special about thees O ring to cost soooo much
It has been suggested that now the engine has had a good thrashing that it could have unstuck the injector (if that was the problem) & if it was reset it would not come up as a problem
Any ideas from any one?
Nick (this cheep Opti is working out bloody expensive) Hearne