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Old 12 October 2000, 19:00   #1
Country: UK - Northern Ireland
Town: ballycastle
Make: redbay 8.75m
Length: 8.75m
Engine: 300 hp yanmar
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 11
reply to john kennett

The bit brave man scares me?? What do you no John.
Installing 300 yanmar in a Redbay Stormforce 8.75m will be using it generally for crusing, trying to organise a rib cruise from N Ireland to the Channel Islands. Organised a rib cruise around Ireland last year and it went very well lifted £10000.oo for the lifeboat on route, still it worries me when you say brave man, come on John spill the beans. please
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Old 12 October 2000, 20:44   #2
John Kennett's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,109
it worries me when you say brave man
Perhaps I'm just being a pessimist, but I've no idea whether the Bravo One will be any better with the Yanmar 300 than the Bravo Three has been. That's why I'm interested to see how you get on!

Let us know about any cruises that you plan for next year, and I'll add them to the events calendar. If you're going to Alderney you'll find Roland at Mainbrayce very helpful.


John Kennett

PS Thread closed as this is being discussed at

[This message has been edited by John Kennett (edited 15 October 2000).]
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