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Old 24 June 2002, 16:11   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: London + Brighton
Boat name: TIPS
Make: Avon Adventure *FOR SALE*
Length: 5.6m
Engine: 115 Yamaha 4-Stroke
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 50
Running In

How would do you recommend I go about running in my new 115 Yammy 4-stroke ? How long should I run it in for ? Do I need to change the oil during this running in period ?

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Old 24 June 2002, 23:10   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Great Harwood, Lancs
Boat name: Tigger II
Make: Bombardier Aerodeck
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 25HP
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 626
Hi Chris

Is there nothing in the user manual ?.

I run my 50HP in roughly as follows, and have done most engines like this.

Based on 6000 PRM WOT

first 15 minutes let idle
next hour running at not more than 2000 rpm
next hour holding at not more then 2000 rpm, but short slow increases to 3000 rpm.
next 3 hours not more then 3000 rpm
next 5 hours not holding at more then 3000 rpm but short perios upto 4500 rpm
next 10 hours not holding at more then 4500 but short periods upto 6000 rpm (WOT).

At all times upto 10 hours i dont keep the throttle in to same position more then 5-10 minutes.
All increases in throttle are slow, up slow down.

10 to 20 hours i try to avoid fast throttle openings from standing (lots of load)

after 20 hours oil and filter changes all round.

I dont know if the above is right but I am open to any comments, is there a better way ?.
I have done it this way as a slow progressive approcch but welcome alternatives especially if they have some other supporting reasons.

I plan to run my diesel in similar to above, changing rpm as a % of WOT and may double the run times as diesels have a lot more tight fitting components than petrols. Also prob put in a oil change half way through plus at the end.

go on folks put it to pieces, but any comments welcome.

Regards Gary
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Old 25 June 2002, 08:54   #3
Country: Other
Make: FB 55
Length: 10m +
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 1,711
That sounds about right....this is of course under load?!
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