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Old 10 April 2005, 10:45   #1
Country: UK - England
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Salt busting / flushing products

After my recent overheating problem, I'm pretty certain that it is a waterway blockage.

Having used Radflush etc on sealed cooling systems, I though there must be a marine equivalent suited to salt removal.

A quick web search later came up with a number of proudcts sold in US and Australia with names like Salt-X, Saltaway, Salt Assault etc. Some of them say that you can mix in a water tank and flush your engine. Of course, they all make claims and counter-claims about 'other products on the market'

Importantly, they all claim to be non-corrosive on metals.

BUT - cannot find anyone that sells this type of product in the UK.

Has anyone tried any of these (or a UK-sourced equivalent)?

Is this a missed opportunity by outboard sales firms? Or is it just detergent dressed up - salt is after all quite inert and doesn't react as such with anything much?
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Old 10 April 2005, 15:36   #2
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Originally Posted by MikeCC
After my recent overheating problem, I'm pretty certain that it is a waterway blockage.

Having used Radflush etc on sealed cooling systems, I though there must be a marine equivalent suited to salt removal.

A quick web search later came up with a number of proudcts sold in US and Australia with names like Salt-X, Saltaway, Salt Assault etc. Some of them say that you can mix in a water tank and flush your engine. Of course, they all make claims and counter-claims about 'other products on the market'

Importantly, they all claim to be non-corrosive on metals.

BUT - cannot find anyone that sells this type of product in the UK.

Has anyone tried any of these (or a UK-sourced equivalent)?

Is this a missed opportunity by outboard sales firms? Or is it just detergent dressed up - salt is after all quite inert and doesn't react as such with anything much?
i've used this stuff fairly often on my 50hp yamaha (which was sold in aug last year). As to how good it is, i', not usre as it never clogged up, how much that is down to the stuff i'll never know!!!


the company are good, quick delivery, no problems etc......

hope it helps

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Old 10 April 2005, 18:04   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Exmouth, Devon
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Posts: 767
Colin - thanks - I'll give them a try.

Probably have to do a 'cold' run through first with the hose to avoid overheating again with a bit of a soak followed by a 'running' flush.

I'll post result one way or the other.
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Old 10 April 2005, 20:16   #4
Country: UK - England
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Have wondered if white vinegar (the clear stuff) would break down the salt deposits. It works with the kettle...

Any thoughts?

Searider - The Best 5.4 x Far
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Old 10 April 2005, 20:43   #5
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I would say that running the outdrive or leg of your outboard in a smallish bucket with warm water would help to disolve salt, pour your additive in and you might well have a very effective preventitive treatment say once/twice a year provided you flush after every session. I think that the trouble with an already neglected engine is that you will also have to deal with any corrosion that has built up inside as well. A trip to a local Service centre might be a longer term solution, at least you'll know that it'll be fine after the visit!
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