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Old 05 August 2005, 18:16   #1
Country: Canada
Town: Victoria
Boat name: Surf Hunter 2
Make: AVON Searider 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: 90HP Honda 4 Stroke
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Posts: 17
Searider Power question

Well, my 2 stroke 60hp Mariner broke down once again while I was far far away from the general public for the LAST FREAKING TIME !!!!! Im done with it, finished.

soooooooooo ...........

I have a 1986 Searider 5.4, its rated for a max hp of 90. It has a tower on it so the transom is reinforced using the tower. ( Goes from transom to the floor ) The motor I am picking up this coming tuesday is a 2005 Honda 90 ( 4 stroke) weighing in at about 380 pounds. I also have a 15hp kicker on the back weighing in at about 75 pounds.

Heres a question that I hope some of you good people can shed some light on.

Am I going to be breaking the back of my rib ? Is it gonna be sitting to stern low for comfort and if so what do you think I should do to even it out and finally, any good bad feedback from these honda 4 strokes ( Top speed, fuel economy, etc)

I know it alot of questions and I appreciate your replies.

Thanks very much in advance.
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Old 05 August 2005, 21:19   #2
Country: USA
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My 5.4 has a 4 cyl 2 stroke Merc on the back. My best guess is that it weighs ~300 lbs. No kicker, and no a-frame, though I do have the stainless transom reinforcing bars. Assuming the transom is sound, I wouldn't be particularly worried about the structural integrity of the boat. Seems to me it's built like a brick sh*t-house as we say over here.

I would be concerned about shipping water over the transom at rest, or backing down. That's an issue for me particularly as I have two 6.5 gallon tanks in the transom. My battery is mounted just aft of the jockey seat. At some point I'll add a little "splash guard" in the lower area of the transom around the motor.

I also think that 75-80 HP is plenty for the boat, unless you frequently run heavily loaded. I sometimes scare myself with the 80! And the 80 is enough to tow a J/24 on a plane!
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Old 06 August 2005, 06:28   #3
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I think its going to be very low at the back, Im sure the transom can take it (if its in good condition) But i think you need to be careful about water getting into the engine through the above water exhaust, because i guess it will probably be under the water!!. As the Honda weights about 70kg more than the mariner.
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Old 06 August 2005, 06:44   #4
Country: Canada
Town: Victoria
Boat name: Surf Hunter 2
Make: AVON Searider 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: 90HP Honda 4 Stroke
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 17
Does yours sit pretty low ? and if so how do you deal with it ?

Thanks for the replies by the way
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Old 06 August 2005, 08:52   #5
Country: UK - England
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We have just trialed a 5.4 at work with a 90 optimax on the back. All went ok, but it was heavy at the back. Avon are a bit worried about the nose of the boat coming up to high when wave jumping so we are going to take it out to sea in some choppy weather and try it with some weights up at the front.
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Old 06 August 2005, 09:27   #6
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What happens when you stand at the stern of your rib, anything......I had same question changing a Yam 80 2 stroke for a 90 Merc 4 stroke. I stood at the back of my Rib to see how high the water level would come to the top of the transom......Answer...Hardly any difference. My tubes are giving me all the rear end bouancy that I need.

Going astern has me filling up with water sometimes, but it's never a worry as I just give the Deck pump a good workout.
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Old 06 August 2005, 20:01   #7
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Is it gonna be sitting to stern low for comfort and if so what do you think I should do to even it out
It depends on whether you are using the flooding hull or not. If you have it sealed up, I'd guess it would be OK. I have a 115 2-stroke Yamaha on the back and with the flooding hull it sits too low. Reseal in progress at the moment! My Yam weights 167kg and I don't have an A-frame or tanks at the back. My console is a bit further back than I'd like though.

From memory the max transom weight is 175kg (=385lb) so you should just be OK with the main engine. Add another 75lb and it might get a bit interesting. With your new Honda will you need the aux at all?

Turbodiesels point about overall handling is a good one as well.

Sounds like you've committed on the Honda though . . . !
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Old 10 August 2005, 19:23   #8
Country: Canada
Town: Victoria
Boat name: Surf Hunter 2
Make: AVON Searider 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: 90HP Honda 4 Stroke
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 17
Thanks for all the points guys/gals. I decided (after many sleepless nights) that I'd just go for the honda 90. I was very close to getting the 90 etec but decided against it because of the $2500 difference.


I dropped it in the water and the water line the same as it was before. I had to get rid of the kicker and move the fuel tank to the bow but at least Im not taking on water. I will however have to pay close attention and tilt up when at idle so I wont get water sucked up the idle exhause port because when trimmed in the full downward position that exhaust is VERY close to be underwater. I dont think Honda would cover replacement for something like that, hehe.

Im sealing the hull this week to help lift and keep it a little higher at rest.

No sea trials yet, Im getting some good insurance first. I'll post some pics in a bit.

Once again, thanks to all that replied.
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