13 May 2008, 18:27
Country: UK - England
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Selva 80hp carb would u buy one or not
Been enquireing about a 2006 with very low hrs quite cheap .All the dealers i have spoken to one said they are only any good as an anchor,another said they are unreliable and has two scrapped warenty returns.another said also they arent very good and not thought highly of.Surely are they that bad .Has anyone got anything good to say about them or genuine bad things as i an very tempted it weight is 109 kg 2 stroke for my searider
13 May 2008, 18:49
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hmm, havent heard much about them l, not many around either, so may be that says it all!!
13 May 2008, 19:11
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A friend of mine had a selva years ago, it was the most unreliable motor I have ever heard of!
Walk away!!
13 May 2008, 19:39
Country: UK - N Ireland
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had a selva 35hp on my last rib and i have to be honest it never missed a beat always started on the button, maybe not as smooth running as some but never let me down.
13 May 2008, 20:44
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I wouldn't buy one! you will have a job to resell it and I have only heard bad things about them, But I have to confess that I have never had one myself
13 May 2008, 21:24
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Selva or Yamaha
The 4-strokes are re-badged Yamahas. Don't know about the 2-strokes.
13 May 2008, 21:44
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
The 4-strokes are re-badged Yamahas. Don't know about the 2-strokes.
In a similar way that a Ssang Yong is a re-badged Mercedes.
13 May 2008, 22:50
Country: UK - England
Town: Essex/Vendee
Boat name: shockwave,Voluntry 2
Make: Pac 22/ searider5.4
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Engine: 180hp turbo,yam 90
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1,022
Along with being told how bad they are it is said they share some parts from Johnsons but only a few.It amazes me that something that apears so bad has a place in the market
13 May 2008, 22:57
Country: UK - England
Town: Essex/Vendee
Boat name: shockwave,Voluntry 2
Make: Pac 22/ searider5.4
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Engine: 180hp turbo,yam 90
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Posts: 1,022
So even though its £1,850 on a 2006 june 80hp ptt the general feeling is to walk away
13 May 2008, 23:22
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Originally Posted by Mollers
In a similar way that a Ssang Yong is a re-badged Mercedes. 
That would depend on whether a Ssang Yong has "Mercedes" stamped on it when you lift the bonnet. I looked at a Selva 115hp 4-stroke a year or so ago and the only difference between it and the Yamaha was the white cowl and a few hundred quid . . .
14 May 2008, 07:20
Country: UK - England
Town: Essex/Vendee
Boat name: shockwave,Voluntry 2
Make: Pac 22/ searider5.4
Length: 6m +
Engine: 180hp turbo,yam 90
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1,022
Originally Posted by Mollers
In a similar way that a Ssang Yong is a re-badged Mercedes. 
The 2 stroke i am looking at is definatly mostly Selva but does share a few parts from Johnson.If it was mostly yam like the 4 stroke i would definatly bought it but then so would 400 others as well
14 May 2008, 18:54
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
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Posts: 6,299
Originally Posted by John Kennett
That would depend on whether a Ssang Yong has "Mercedes" stamped on it when you lift the bonnet. I looked at a Selva 115hp 4-stroke a year or so ago and the only difference between it and the Yamaha was the white cowl and a few hundred quid . . .
The ones I looked at didn't even have white cowls - they were Yam bluey-grey with 'Selva' decals. The F100 Yam was around £1k more at the time
15 May 2008, 22:35
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tomorrow i `ll travel to Italy.
They like the cars they build, they like the wine and food they make, but you will see only a few with selva engines at the transom. The elder 2 strokes are very rough and soak the gas, but never heard of break down.. The actual models might be a co production Yamaha or Tohatsu. Look at both and the cast numbers and sign inside, also electrical equipment,
30 October 2008, 23:09
Country: France
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Posts: 126
Sorry sirs, but I have to disagree with most of the above negative statements !
The 2 stroke Selva - LPDFI = low pressure direct fuel injection - has been developped during maby years with a cooperation between the french ELF and italian Selva.
It doesn't use the same ideas than Tohatsu, Mercury or Evinrude with their injected motors, but another.
The intaken air is compressed into the crankcase like all the 2 strokes, but partly diverted and stored under-pressure in a small tank which is part of the crankcase, then mixed to the gasoline coming from a pressurizing pump and sent to the head through a valve controled by a camshaft.
More or less, it works like the low-pressure spray-painters.
This saves the mechanical compressor (see Tohatsu and Optimax) and it is very efficient, with MPG figures better than the best 4 strokes .
The ECU controls the operations and allows the right amount of gas to be sent.
The 80hp is very light (120kg, more or less that of a 2stroke-90 Yam, or a 50/60 Merc, or 50 Suz) and displays the 2-stroke typical high torque figure at low RPM, which makes the big difference with 4 strokes engines.
Running is very smooth, not as quite as a 4 stroke indeed, but low weight and high power/torque fit perfectly the present mid-size ribs.
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