Fairly new to boating and I upgraded from sib to small Bombard rib this summer which has a 97 tohatsu 50 2 stroke which I thoroughly enjoyed over the summer.
The engine is overdue a service (i'm not aware when it was last serviced) so I have couple of quick questions about servicing and winterising.
Please note i am not handy with anything mechanical so for I plan to use my local mobile marine contact- Ski Marine in Bournemouth before i store the boat in the garage over the winter. My questions-
- Is there a optimal time to service the engine- now as we head into winter or is it better to wait until the start of next season?
-I've heard the term but what does winterising involve exactly?
-Should i ask the engineer to winterise the engine whilst doing the engine service?
-Should i charge the battery periodically over the winter?
Sorry for the simple questions but keen to look after the old engine as best i can and appreciate any advice here
