Oh good. I got waylayed mid answer & the firewall killed my reply

I now donlt need to re-type as much!
Jumping back to your original mail......
Originally Posted by maxhar
Thank you. I was just checking to see if that Honda Control box with the key start and deadman's on would still connect up with the slightly older model of outboard so I am able to use the fast idle and throttle controls.
I shall just leave the key switch cable somewhere inside the console as I won't be needing them as you say, the outboard won't have anywhere to plug them in.
OK, Assuming you are using the Morse / Teleflex box, it will more than likely have their "generic" throttle / gear cables. I'm not sure if Honda share theirs with anyone else, or what engine was on the enfd of yourcables before, but if it doesn't fit, you will need to find a local Teleflex / morse supplier & get the "cable end kit" which basically consists of a couple of plastic screw - on things that clip / screw / etc to the levers in the engine and any other spring clips used to hold them in place.
If you;re using the honda box there's a High chance it will fit - post if you do and it doesn't.....
As for electrics, I bet the honda plug is a standard connector that will carry a minimum of the deadman, but wonlt have the pins o nthe engine side of the connection to feed the tacho, starter, choke etc. If you are using the Tel-Mor box with no electrics at all, post back, as I have no idea how good your electrical capabilities are, so don't want to bore you to tears or baffle you. You will, as said before, need a deadman for your own peace of mind if nothing else.
Originally Posted by maxhar
Where the manual controls (stuff needed for fast idle and throttle) connect to the inside of the engine is it relitively simple to work out where they go and is there only one standard type of plug for each engine manufacturer?
For a given age of engine & controls, should be standard-ish. I say "ish" because some manufacturers fdo deals with others which result in certian sizes of engine being a resprayed something else. (Johnson - Suzuki & EMErc - Mariner being two that jumps to mind).
Having said that, the throttle / gear shift cables are mechanical and thankfully they were standardised years ago. As said above, the end fittinga rea baout the only thing that changes. Where they go should be reasonably easy. start at the place where they go throu' the case. follow an imaginary straight line until you find a lever with a pin, hole or weird feature that your "end connectors" fit. (most are just a simple pin & eye) Easiest way to test which way round is move the gearshift & throttle on the engine & see what moves.
For the cabnles, move the lever o nthe remotes. Start in Neutral, move it into fwd & reverse. One of the cables will move in and out. That's your gears. if you continue to push the lever (i.e open the throttle) the gear cable should stay put and the other one move in or out.
Beware the Tele-Morse boxes are "generic fit everything" controls. you may nee dto move the cable to the other lever in the box if it pulls instead of pushes or vice versa. Once again, post if it don't add up.
Also, are the cables running from the control box to the engine electrical or are the actual manual pieces that move? i.e. a real cable being pulled when the throttle is engaged?
Throttle & gear are mechanical, everything else is wiring. (ha,unless you have a nice shiny new Huge Hp "fly by wire" Merc where it;s all electrical!)
Hope this helps......