Originally Posted by gaviotapete
thanks for the replies rib fellows. so, do i clean the plugs or the wires that lead to them or both? any idea why the kill switch and the keyed switch were both ineffective in shutting off the motor? i apologize again for my
inability to figure this out.
This is just a guess.
But I think the kill cord shorts the 12v feed to the coil to earth to stop the engine running (assuming no CDI), if we assume the HT leads are "leaking" very high voltage to earth it is likely the potential difference between the earth and the 12v coil feed is high enough to render the switch in effective e.g. the potential of the earth is high enough to run the coil?
I guess you could test this theory when the fault as been reproduced by, metering the voltage between the Earth on the battery and both sites of the kill switch, one side should be 12v whilst running the other around 0v.
Another thought, you said fairly smooth ride, if the ceramic insulator is braking down on the spark plug you will get miss-fires during which time I assume the voltage will be leaking to Earth, so might be work replacing your spark plugs as well?