Sick 20hp merc mariner.
Hi all
A couple of times last year had a couple of break downs while out, fixed he problem both times with taking the plugs out wiping them off and a wiggle of the HT leads as the connections into the coil had closed over slightly went out Saturday came out of Teignmouth and headed towards Dawlish, just got past the peir and the engine died like the other times spark plugs cleaned wiggle and a check of the connections started then died.Tried this numerous times.Time to start rowing back took the spark plugs out and left to dry for half hour.Got back into the estuary plugs back in and tried starting again this time it was running still not right though opened the throttle seemed to splutter 3 to 4 times untill 3/4 to fully open and reved from then, let the throttle of baa, baa ba ba and of it went again.Any Ideals to what this could be thanks.