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Old 13 April 2014, 19:01   #1
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Something wrong with my end caps


help please.

Optimax 150 2007.

So decided to change the impeller. No issue nice and easy. Bolts all undo fine, New impeller, gaskets etc. all done. Come to slide the gearbox back. Can I get the drive shaft into the power head - no way. So I look up with a torch and something is in the way.

It seems that there is a loose (because I can move it around with a thin long rod) circular Mystery Thing in the way. Looking at the Mercury engine drawings I guess this is one of the oil seals in the power head lower end cap.

Anyway the questions are.

A. Am I correct and if not what else could it be?
B. How difficult would it be to fix? I assume power head off, change end caps
C. I don't have a crane or hoist, or the time really. Who would be best placed and qualified to fix this in Lancashire (I'm based BB6 Blackburn)

Thanks in anticipation for your advice
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Old 13 April 2014, 22:01   #2
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Hi, I had this problem recently and anticipated taking the power head off and even priced up the gaskets from Key parts. However, firstly I borrowed a boroscope from a friend of mine and had a close look up the hole so to speak. What I found was that the top rubber spline protector had somehow got stuck up/wedged up the crank socket hole. The remedy was to use a piece of welding rod, filed and bent to a small sharp hook and using the boroscope to guide the hook up the mid section, poke and hook out. The sleve than came out never to be used again.

It maybe you have mistakenly don the same.

Hope it works out.

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Old 14 April 2014, 09:33   #3
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Thanks Dave,

It seems to me that this piece is hard. Its not easy to tell and I'll try poking it a bit more to find out. Great idea about the borescope.

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Old 14 April 2014, 13:29   #4
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there is a metal cap with an (O) ring in it its suppossed to stop the driveshaft seizeing into the crankshaft, you can put it back without removing the p/head I have done some, I cut and modifyd a couple of broom handles, i also found that lots and lots of swearwords helped well it made me feel better anyway.
Team Tip people when reffiting your gear housing a bit of marine grease on the drive shaft splines, NOT ON TOP OF THE DRIVE SHAFT.
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Old 14 April 2014, 15:39   #5
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So sort of try and manoeuvre it over the crankshaft then thwack it back on. All this with a long stick. Sounds like a plan.
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Old 14 April 2014, 18:25   #6
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Now I know what the Mystery Thing is I formulated a master plan.

Tools required: 3/8 earthing rod ( or anything around that size); Large bore domestic plastic quick fit water pipe- cut shorter than the earthing rod. This is very nearly the same diameter as a drive shaft; Broom handle with square end; Torch (small).

Lift the engine as far as it will go. Wedge the torch on top of the cooling water pipe. Slide the plastic tube over the earthing rod (which has a nice point on one end). Insert the point through the seal ring and into the splines in the end of the crank.

Now lift the rod up so to move the seal until it is concentric with the end of the crank. Use the plastic pipe as a gentle slide hammer. Gently remove the equipment and have gander - looks centrallish. Introduce the broom handle and firmly press all home.

Took 2 attempts and the first failed because the torch fell out.

Thanks for all the advice. I now have a very virile water jet out of the pee hole and all the gears work so job done. 1 hr 10 mins from start to beer.
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