Originally Posted by wgr270
Thank you!
I did see a video on the anode and will replace.
When you say anode, be sure to find out how many internal anodes there are if it has them. Most engines will have several of these under the cowling cover on the engine block which look like bolts into the engine block. They don't look like anodes, simply bolts, which have a small anode inside. On the 225 Honda on the work boat I was driving a couple of years ago I believe there were around 12 of these anodes. There will be the easy to see external anodes but missing the powerhead ones where the cooling water is pumped around the powerhead are extremely important. Some newer mercury engines don't have powered anodes as the alloys used are so good now that these engines don't need them. Some engines like the Suzuki outboards Ive owned will need those powerhead anodes changing every 12 months even if the engine hours of use were very low. My Yamaha powerhead anodes were still good at 600hrs, though I did replace them.