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Old 03 July 2003, 12:03   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Salisbury
Boat name: Rick o Shay
Make: Revenger
Engine: Merc 2.5efi
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 3
Steering & Tube protection

This is my 1st post, and I'm looking for a bit of advice on the following:

I keep a rib on the Costa del sol, and although I keep it indoors when I'm not using it, I'm concerned that the sunlight is not good for the tubes. Does any one know what the procedure is to protect/prolong their life.

Also, I'm currently using Hynautic steering, but I quite fancy fitting some Hi perf external, along the lines of Imco or Mayfair.

Does anyone have any experience with this type of steering, and can they advise me of the benefits of it, together with any problems that I might encounter.


Barry D.
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Old 03 July 2003, 13:04   #2
Country: UK - England
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I can’t help you with regards to your tubes, but can offer my humble opinion on steering, There are many choices for aftermarket, high performance set-ups, you’ve named two, I would add to that ‘Latham’ who make excellent, if rather expensive kits.
I think without exception, they all mount ‘fore & aft’ from an extension of the tilt tube, to a wing plate mounted at the rear of upper mid section. This configuration is emmensly strong, and if fitted/piped properly, would be virtually unbreakable!
Another nice option on the more performance orientated steering systems, is the Capalino helm unit, whilst not power assisted as with sterndrive applications, you can adjust the displacement of this pump, thus changing the hydraulic ratio, and therefore the number of turns lock to lock.

I have an IMCO dual ram set-up on my twin bravo installation, this is of course power assisted, but the principle is just the same, the Quality and reliability are superb.

Hope this helps.
Jonny Fuller is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 04 July 2003, 08:43   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Salisbury
Boat name: Rick o Shay
Make: Revenger
Engine: Merc 2.5efi
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 3
Jon, thanks for the info. It's interesting that you have the Imco system, as that is the one that I favour. Price, looks etc.

Where did you buy it from, is there a dealer for it here, or did you bring it in from the States?

I see from your profile that you have a Phantom, I've had a few myself, but only ski boats. Like my rib hull, which started out as a sportsboat, I see that the Phantom hulls are used for a rib or two, any idea who else uses them other than Evolution.

Sorry for all the questions. knowledge is power.
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Old 04 July 2003, 09:43   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
Make: Phantom
Length: 8m +
Engine: GM Diesels
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 1,437
Barry, you're welcome, I got mine through 'extreme marine' with whom I used to race, they bring in all sorts of stuff from the USA for performance boats. you can find a link to them on (I love a plug!)

With respect to phantom hulls for ribs, many have been based on phantoms, although a high percentage are illigitimate!
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