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Old 12 January 2008, 21:32   #1
Country: UK - N Ireland
Town: Newry
Boat name: Shannon Mist
Make: Shetland
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Posts: 9
Sternpower Outdrive V Volvo 280 outdrive

Many thanks lads!! Your wisdom surpasses that of Solomon. If you had a choice between a boat with a Sterndrive or a boat with Volvo 280 Legs.... Which would you prefair??? Looking forward to your discussion on this one....N
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Old 12 January 2008, 22:21   #2
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What are the two boats you are thinking about, and what are they going to be used for ?

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Old 12 January 2008, 23:24   #3
Country: UK - N Ireland
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From my experience there are very few people in N.Ireland who will/can work on Sternpower legs. That is not to say any good mechanic can have a go provided you supply the parts.Apart from Pacific 22's there was only one other boat I saw with the same leg and that was a double installation about 10 years ago in Bangor Marina.
Most of the sales of Sternpower legs appear to be for the MOD and with that Lancing charge the premium prices. England is awash with experts who can work on them. Go around any boatyard here and the chances are pretty good that stern drive driven boat will be a Volvo leg.
Based on that I would suggest if you must buy a boat with a leg then go for one that is easier to get parts for and a mechanic who can work on it.
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Old 13 January 2008, 00:46   #4
Country: UK - N Ireland
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Thanks Lads! I have a cruiser on The Erne/Shannon Waterways. All fresh waters. 20/25 cruising hours weekly. Is there much servicing on the Volvo 280 legs and is there anything I need to pay attention to, or to look out for when purchasing?? Very hard to get a clean fresh 30'+ diesel's with a shaft for under £30K. I have looked all around Ireland for something to replace what I have. All there is are old Seamasters, Freemans, Sterling's Etc: 98% of what I have seen you wouldn't keep hens in, and the other 2% my old dog wouldn't sleep in. I think it's going to be a shaft. I have spotted a few Princess 32's on the UK Mainland and am going to have a look the week after next. I should be able to ship to N. Ireland for around £1800.00. If I spend 25000.00 that should be 27K which is around my budget. Any help or advise I would greatly appreciate. In anticapation!!!!!!! N
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Old 13 January 2008, 01:00   #5
Country: UK - N Ireland
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Sorry Lads! I meant It's going to be a Volvo Leg. Pete the two boats I was viewing are on Apollo Duck. The First is in Thames and Kennett Marina and it's a Princess 32 with twin Volvo 280 outdrives. If you go to Google, type in Apollo Duck do a boat search and type in Princess 32 you will see it. It's called Minnie B. The Second is also on Apollo Duck do the same search and type in Sterling and this one is in Dover and it's called New Experience.
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Old 13 January 2008, 08:23   #6
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For advice on the Volvo 280s or Princess 32s I would ask the same questions on:


Chances are previous owners will be able to give advice.

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Old 13 January 2008, 16:47   #7
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280s will be fine

The 280 sterndrives will be fine on the 75hp AD21s. Very unstressed - and as the boat is in fresh water should be relatively free of corrosion.

Oil to be changed annually.
Bellows to be changed every two years.

No power trim on 280s. Will take more power if you are thinking about re-engining. Lancing Marine do turbo transit engines to fit.

The boat won't be fast though - really only displacement speed plus a bit. 10 knots cruising and maybe 15 max on a very good day.

AD21s based on a 1970s Peugeot truck engine. Alloy head prone to warping if overheated. Marinising parts (heat exchangers / exhaust) difficult to come by if corroded.

Sounds like the Owner has spent some money on her recently though.

Speak with Simon at Thames Boat Sales and say that Duncan sent you (he's my little brother!)
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Old 14 January 2008, 22:53   #8
Country: UK - N Ireland
Town: Newry
Boat name: Shannon Mist
Make: Shetland
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Many Thanks Duncan! Your advice is great. I will take you up on your offer and talk to your brother. Over here in N. Ireland as Slaphead will tell you it's hit and miss with people really who know about engines and their pit falls and the ones that do are Prima Donna's. When you seek advice from them they look at you as if you were a football holligan, and if they do anything for you they charge more than Lawyers or Q.C's. Anyway enough c*** I suppose every man must get his worth... If you think of anything more, or if there is something I should ask or check when viewing Please Please let me know. Thanks again Duncan.........N
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