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Old 06 January 2005, 20:35   #1
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Sternpowr rams

Does anyone know how much a new hydraulic ram is for a sternpowr 101?
My port ram has been eaten by electrolysis - bit strange because all the rest of the leg is fine Anyway its leaking lots of oil so has anyone got an idea of the best place to get a new one from? Cheers DT
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Old 07 January 2005, 09:16   #2
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Have a strong cup of tea ready when you get the quote from Lancing Marine and then start to phone around. Worth reading back through the P22 threads because there was someone who had some spares in Plymouth, also Jammie at Extreme Marine in Southampton often has bits, and finally Neville in Scotland might be a good source of spares, he is advertising a P22 on Boats and Outboards at the moment.

Think mine were £600 each but the insurance company paid for them after some old git who should have been in a nursing home rammed the stern.

I did notice the same corrosion on mine, which lined up with the stainless steel bolts holding the top cover on so haven't refitted the top cover.

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Old 07 January 2005, 09:44   #3
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Originally Posted by Pete7
I did notice the same corrosion on mine, which lined up with the stainless steel bolts holding the top cover on so haven't refitted the top cover.

Had the same on my ones design fault to increase sales

Depending on where the hole is you can repair the rams

If you unscrew the top of the ram by placing the valve block in a vice and putting a long bar through the bottom eye, you will find that unlike normal rams the outer cover is just that, a cover, the ram is really inside. You can either get this cover welded or Lancing Marine will supply it if you ask nicely

If you go down the welding route you don’t have to worry too much about the inside finish because there is no piston running on it so it doesn’t have to be smooth. This cover is there only to allow oil to the bottom of the piston which is usually done by a pipe but becase the rams are in small pockets there is no room for this on a Stern Powr.

Incidentally the rams rot because they are not bonded to the anode, you need to add bonding straps to stop this.
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Old 07 January 2005, 14:21   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
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I have some ram bodies and the upper mount spare. You can have one of these for the price of postage if you want it. What normally goes is the aluminium block at the base of the ram which takes the two hoses. These are about £80 from lancing. If its that part thats away you might aswell put in a new seal set whilst you are at it. Im working away from home at the moment but send me a pm if you want any bits that ive got. You are welcome to them if you can use them.
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