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Old 14 August 2015, 23:34   #1
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Stolen cdi box advice needed


So my 1996 Yamaha 50 (High Thrust 4 Stroke) had the cowel popped off and someone tried to nick my CDI Box and damaged it and most of my outboard in the process, resulting in a huge insurance claim (Im 16 years old - this is an experience to say the least ) .

I am thinking of ways to ensure that these f****g douchebags don't come back for more, the boat is usually kept on private land and away from the water's edge, but recently (past 9 months) have kept it on a friends quayside.

I intend on fitting a heavy duty bicycle lock over the cowel and installing a ground anchor also aswell as a professional CCTV system and a commerical monitored alarm system (I have professional knowledge and understanding of both - I can install it no worries) My outboard is already bolted onto my transom using a Yamaha strazo lock.

Any recommendations to further prevent and deter theft and damage? (Ideally physical)


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Old 15 August 2015, 00:41   #2
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Firstly I feel your pain. Don't want to worry you but as you are young something like this will almost certainly happen again at some point in your lifetime.

There are two schools of thought to security:
- Make them nick someone elses by deciding yours looks risk/hard work
- Make yours look like its not worth the effort

The two are difficult to combine. So the more locks and such you add the more you add a sign saying "I have something worth nicking". No matter how hard you try if they really want it they can get it (ask the people who locked their belongings in Hatton Gardens!)

I'm struggling with the bike lock and how that will really work. Determined theives will just angle grind through it. They will cut the transom off and take the engine too! They are tw@ts.

Ground anchor - makes sense. They will take the guy next door's instead!

CCTV - needs power, needs data stream, doable but presents issues. How far away are you. Whats your plan if alarm triggers etc.

If its an OVERT camera it says there is something worth nicking. I'd say 50% of cameras I've seen present about 10% of extra effort for the determined thief...

Tracker in the engine may be more value...? Wont discourage a theft but might get them caught. (I should have some feedback on a cheap model in the next few days)

Some subtle things like covers, not unknown to take the cowling off and replace with a cover - makes the engine far less desirable. Cover over whole boat makes it harder to see what the engine is etc.

Make getting into / out of the boat noisey...
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Old 15 August 2015, 09:18   #3
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe View Post
If its an OVERT camera it says there is something worth nicking. I'd say 50% of cameras I've seen present about 10% of extra effort for the determined thief...
Clearly when I post at night I miss saying things! What I also meant to say was (a) If no -one else has a camera there you might as well hang a sign up saying "This boat has something worth nicking" (b) By doing that you are inviting someone to come on board and see whats worth nicking. Trouble is I guess at 16 your boat probably doesn't have an awful lot obviously worth nicking like chart plotters etc. But the thieving gits wont care what damage they do trying to find what you were protecting. I doubt that many CDIs get nicked so they wont think you've gone to the effort of CCTVing a CDI.

I'd prefer CCTV on entrances/exits - makes it less obvious who to target. Alarm the boat so you know to get the saved images from the entrance / exit...
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Old 15 August 2015, 12:19   #4
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe View Post
I'm struggling with the bike lock and how that will really work
Its mainly a deterrant if anything. I completely see your point though

Originally Posted by ShinyShoe View Post
CCTV - needs power, needs data stream, doable but presents issues. How far away are you. Whats your plan if alarm triggers etc.
The System I use is a Texecom Premier 24, it has a data connection (via HSPDA+ or 4G) to a server of mine in a datacentre, it will then alert multiple people when the alarm is activated. The alarm can be confirmed via CCTV footage which is sent along with the alarm event. It also activates a 127db siren and a floodlight (which is designed to create so much noise that being near it is unbarabe).

CCTV can be avoided easily by a thief but its more to keep the insurers happy

Originally Posted by ShinyShoe View Post
Tracker in the engine may be more value...? Wont discourage a theft but might get them caught. (I should have some feedback on a cheap model in the next few days)
I would love to hear more about this, especially as its cheap(er).

Originally Posted by ShinyShoe View Post
Some subtle things like covers, not unknown to take the cowling off and replace with a cover - makes the engine far less desirable. Cover over whole boat makes it harder to see what the engine is etc.
The Cowling is already pretty messed up from 19 years of use, I may mark it to distinguish it and make it pretty clear that its mine, it will probably never be sold.

The area has been plagued with marine crime for many years and Im quite surprised it hasnt happened previously, so its not all for just a CDI

Anyway thank you very much for your advice. Its much appreciated
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Old 15 August 2015, 21:11   #5
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Have posted my findings with trackers on this thread:
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