25:1 is way to high of an oil mixture. Is the entire 6 gallons mixed that way? How many gallons does the fuel tank hold? You should not run that high of a mixture as it will cause all kinds of issues. Extra carbon buildup in the engine is not a good thing, and the plugs are more likely to foul. Blend it with fresh gas in the spring to a 50:1 mixture.
Ideally you want a fuel tank stored FULL with little air. The tank being sealed is also the best to stop evaporation, and humid air entering and causing water droplets to fall into the tank. Modern emission tanks are well sealed, and will keep fuel longer.
Not knowing what oil you used, many power tool oils will have some form of fuel stabilizer built in, but most outboard oils do not add a fuel stabilizer. If no stabilizer has been added I would recommend doing so.
There are a lot of factors that come into play like humidity of the fuel tank storage area, unless it is a sealed tank. I'd pull the tank out in the spring, blend it to 50%, and enjoy a nice boat ride.
Most important is draining the carb(s) of fuel upon storage, or the jets will often plug.