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Old 11 October 2012, 17:17   #1
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Suzuki 90 4stroke warning code 32

hmm bit of a prob with the suzi 90. 4stroke. runs ok, bit lumpy at tickover but we have a warning code coming up on the panel in the form of 3 plus 2 flashes. Apparently 32 is MAP sensor signal not altering despite changes in speed. So it the Manifold air pressure sensor which sits in a screw thread on top of the manifold. We've had it out and used a wire to check/clear the tiny hole under the sensor but the warning code n bleep still comes up as we set off from launch site. Its fine on the muffs but not in the water.
Anyone had a similar warning beep/flash come up.
Dave M
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Old 11 October 2012, 18:02   #2
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Clearing hole ain't going to make difference new sensor I'm afraid
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Old 12 October 2012, 10:18   #3
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so does that mean that code 32 is a warning that the sensor has failed as opposed to a warning that said sensor has detected a fault. Is the purpose of the sensor to pass info to the engine management system, not detect bitsa fluff in the 'ole!

If itsa a sensor replacement so be it just want the *"!*% bleeping and flashing to stop
Dave M
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Old 12 October 2012, 11:00   #4
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Originally Posted by wavelength
so does that mean that code 32 is a warning that the sensor has failed as opposed to a warning that said sensor has detected a fault. Is the purpose of the sensor to pass info to the engine management system, not detect bitsa fluff in the 'ole!

If itsa a sensor replacement so be it just want the *"!*% bleeping and flashing to stop
Yes, you are being warned of a sensor failure, I'm not familiar with the Suzuki management but usually you can replace the faulty sensor and the warning will go away, I assume the code will still be stored but come up as "not present" indicating its an old/rectified fault, failing that you may have to clear the codes manually to make the warning disappear.
There is a place on this planet for all of Gods creatures.........right next to my tatties and gravy.
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Old 12 October 2012, 12:13   #5
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thanks guys. Progress report if and when progress has been achieved
Dave M
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Old 12 October 2012, 12:41   #6
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Originally Posted by wavelength
thanks guys. Progress report if and when progress has been achieved
Easy way to check the sensor fault is to read the values . Ie it should read way below ambient pressure at idle and when at wot it should read outside ambient pressure which is 14.6 of the top of my head.it dosnt have to be under load can be done on muffs ect . This can only be done if you access to computer diag kit. Also does the engine cough and spit and no power which is a sign of map. hope this helps
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Old 22 October 2012, 22:31   #7
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progress report....or lack of it. Replaced expensive little map sensor how much!!
Started and ran ok saturday morning on muffs albeit it seemd to me to be a little lumpy.
Launched boat today, Monday, for on water test. Absolute b*!"%@!d to start which is highly unusual for this motor. Would only start with extra throttle applied and would only run with loadsa throttle on in neutral. Stalled as soon as throttle backed off. Sensor warning came up again with same sequence 3+2. As it warmed up it became possible to have the engine running at a lumpy tickover with throttle closed. Sensor warning would not cancel.
Never even got as far as putting it in gear and wasn't for venturing into open water with no back up. Boat winched out again and taken home. On muffs started fine, sensor warning still there but cancelled at first attempt. Ran at all engine speeds up to the out of gear limiter at 3k revs for a considerable period with no sensor warnings and smooth tick over.
Gonna try in a tub tomorrow to see if the exhaust back pressure in water makes any difference but it wont be as deep in tub as hanging off the back of a floating boat. Then go and chuck it in the water again when I get some spare time (whatever that is)
In the meantime the jet catamaran we run is having its own special jet sensor problems and a man who hopefully knows about these things is onboard at the port and is, as I type this, apparently replacing circuit boards. Hope he has more luck (and idea) than me
Tune in for the next thrilling and expensive episode
Dave M
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Old 23 October 2012, 19:02   #8
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aha...I see a little exhaust leak. Think we may have it sorted now
(oh yeah...the jets are feeling better too)
Dave M
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Old 06 November 2012, 19:28   #9
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well Suzi is feeling better and was getting her sealegs back on Monday. Running perfectly now and what a lovely day to be afloat and get some photos.
BUT not a duff MAP sensor but rather a sensor doing its job....as I found when we replaced the sensor and everything stayed as before....bleepin and aflashin ! **** map sensors are b****y expensive -weight for weight I think I could have invested the money in gold cheaper. Instead of a duff sensor it was sensing gasses under the hood and a repair we fabricated after getting the price for replacement parts ( 1 bit at circa £600 plus vat plus 2 gaskets at 50odd quid plus vat each). After researching the problem myself (which I should have done before but time is always pressing here!) this is an extremely well known problem amongst experienced mechanics and the symptoms were classic.
More after Suzuki have had the chance to reply to my e mail to them concering a schoolboy error bit of engineering. I'll not be holding m'breath however
Anyone wanna buy a MAP sensor
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Dave M
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Old 11 May 2013, 16:43   #10
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Hi Dave

I seem to have the same issue.. runs fine with the cover off. Just wondering where the Exhaust was leaking from ?

[QUOTE= Instead of a duff sensor it was sensing gasses under the hood and a repair we fabricated after getting the price for replacement parts ( 1 bit at circa £600 plus vat plus 2 gaskets at 50odd quid plus vat each). After researching the problem myself (which I should have done before but time is always pressing here!) this is an extremely well known problem amongst experienced mechanics and the symptoms were classic. [/QUOTE]

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Old 18 May 2013, 19:16   #11
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sorry for delay... just got back to UK I'll come back with the fix when I've had a brew or six!
Dave M
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Old 18 May 2013, 20:45   #12
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engine holder /adaptor. Take the covers off the lower leg and under the powerhead is the engine holder through which seawater coupled with lotsa lovely hot exhaust gasses find their way . Port side you will find a mild steel plug which looks just like the sorta thing you would find in a domestic radiator.
Unsurprisingly this little cocktail of dissimilar metals and a corrosive atmosphere rots the aluminium alloy around the plug and hot exhaust gasses find their way into the hood and the map sensor is doing its job and lettimg ya know. Run with the hood off and the gasses disperse. The parts are sommat like £700 or so plus VAT
The casting has been modified a number of times( to eliminate the steel plug ??) I wonder why?.
However Suzuki did not want to know! Nor would they admit it was a problem of their making. Reminded me it was out of warranty (which it is by a long way). Waffled on about anode replacement during servicing. My mechanic is first class and, as a professional skipper of bigger vessels I know full well the need to replace engine anodes and its all been done.
Extremely disappointed with Suzuki's attitude and looking on the net it seems to be their policy on this matter in the US as well as here.
Was surprised that the "experts" on here gave the wrong info and had not heard of what seems to be an issue so well known to the guys in the trade .
We fixed it by cleaning up the corroded hole after the stud had been removed. Fixed a stainless patch over the hole fixed by a couple of s/s self tappers and bedded down into plastic metal. I know of another engine repaired like this and running commercially every day with no further issues

DF140-hole in exhaust

My Johnson's Fixed!

Engine holder problem anyone else
Dave M
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Old 19 May 2013, 21:47   #13
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Thank you wavelength... we have patched up ours in a simular manner and it seems to work just fine.....

Ours is just shy of 5000 hours now.... yes I did type that right "five thousand"... so mustn't grumble as this is the first trouble we have had with it. :-)

Should keep it going for a little bit longer.

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