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Old Today, 15:31   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: north yorkshire
Make: Avon
Engine: Suzuki
Join Date: Oct 2024
Posts: 9
Suzuki DF 6 Backfire when starting

Last year I bought an Avon inflatable and a Suzuki df6 outboard. Managed to clean up the oars and floor boards in the winter.

So first nice weather of the year i filled a clean wheely bin checked everything over and gave the Suzuki a try.
It backfires savagely when I pull the chord and after some profanity I tried an old favourite holts brake cleaner tiny squirt in the intake and it runs nicely.

But let it cool and it is back to square one.
I suspect a carburettor rebuild is necessary, just wondered if anyone else has experienced this?

The water trickle seemed to slow right down after running for 10 mins so I think an overhaul of the pump would be a smart move.

Also noticed an oily tide line in the bin, but the engine has been moved around and hasn't run for a while so may be needs some running looked at the valves and they look OK and compression feels OK (not actually measured just thumb over spark plug hole)

Hope to get it all sorted by late spring time.
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Old Today, 19:17   #2
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: north ayrshire
Boat name: charlie girl
Make: S/R5.4/regal3760
Length: 10m +
Engine: Suzukidf70 2x6lp 315
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Originally Posted by W77 View Post
Last year I bought an Avon inflatable and a Suzuki df6 outboard. Managed to clean up the oars and floor boards in the winter.

So first nice weather of the year i filled a clean wheely bin checked everything over and gave the Suzuki a try.
It backfires savagely when I pull the chord and after some profanity I tried an old favourite holts brake cleaner tiny squirt in the intake and it runs nicely.

But let it cool and it is back to square one.
I suspect a carburettor rebuild is necessary, just wondered if anyone else has experienced this?

The water trickle seemed to slow right down after running for 10 mins so I think an overhaul of the pump would be a smart move.

Also noticed an oily tide line in the bin, but the engine has been moved around and hasn't run for a while so may be needs some running looked at the valves and they look OK and compression feels OK (not actually measured just thumb over spark plug hole)

Hope to get it all sorted by late spring time.
The tel tale slowing after a while could be a sign of salt/corrosion build up coming loose & partially blocking the tel tale hole, some strimmer line or similar up the tel tale hole whilst running may work it free.
Re the start issue the backfire isn't what you'd expect but if it runs on brake clean then it sounds like a fuel issue. Small 4 strokes are quite bad for carbs blocking due to the tiny orifices getting gummed up. A strip & clean with brake clean or idealy a couple of cycles in an ultrasonic bath usually does the trick but occasionally only a new carb will sort the issue.
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