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Old 15 June 2003, 19:33   #1
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Suzuki DF 70 query

Hi guys

I recently acquired a 4 stroke Suzuki DF70, and have finally had the chance to give it a good run. It runs sweetly, but the control box seems to be very stiff. Any suggestions how to make it more 'child friendly'?

There is a 'dial' control on the top of the box - as no manual came with the outfit, can anyone advise what this does?

Also it only runs up to 5000rpm at WOT with two up - am I overpropped?

Hope someone can help.
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Old 15 June 2003, 20:50   #2
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The 'full throttle operating range' for the DF70 according to the Suzuki website it 5,200-5,800rpm. For every 1" you take off the pitch you should gain about 200rpm, so I would recommend taking off 2" maybe 3".

You could give steel developments a call; they will be able to advise you about propellers. Tel: 020 8874 7059

The dial on top of the control box is most likely the throttle friction control. Try loosing it and see if that frees up the throttle. Otherwise the stiffness is probably down to the routing of the control cables.
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Old 15 June 2003, 20:54   #3
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The little screw thing on the top of the control box, if it's like mine, adjusts the tension on the throttle - this could explain why you are finding it quite stiff to operate.

The max rev range for the DF 70 is 5200 to 5800 revs, so if you are only getting 5000 revs, then maybe you are slightly overpropped.

As I mentioned in previous posts, my engine too is underrevving, but I am still *just* in the max rev range. I am thinking about reducing the prop pitch to 20" from the default 21" and also going to stainless..... in theory it should give me another 300revs approx. I guess it's a case of trial and error

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