30 November 2004, 16:37
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Hey Nick, when are you next comming down South?
30 November 2004, 18:51
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I had a similar problem on a motorbike,kept cutting out and couldnt restart,I eventually sussed (after a lot of pushing)that it went further distances before cutting out when there wasnt much fuel so took the bodywork apart and sure enough the tank breather was squashed under the seat,no problems since so check the breather pipe is clear.
30 November 2004, 18:57
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Originally Posted by Nick Hearne
Tim, yes that is what I'm saying the tank is self venting, you can not shut it off! It has a permanent open vent.
Oops sorry Nick, misread your post, the crucial word being "the"  . duuuurrr
01 December 2004, 15:48
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Some boats fitted with an inboard fuel tank will have a cut of tap,worth checking that is turned fully on.
04 December 2004, 15:00
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Originally Posted by Hightower
Hey Nick, when are you next comming down South?
One day next year!
That with working 6 day a week & a family it dose not help!
May be will have to start what I used to do when I was in to diving, what is mid weak jaunts less the family!
Sound any good to anyone?
05 December 2004, 11:41
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Saw a new rib recently. incorrect filter size it emptied quicker than it filled, check for tight bends on fuel line kinks etc
05 December 2004, 19:28
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That's a very good point Gavin.
Jlanng, have you resolved your Engine issues, we'd all be quite interested in finding what the problem was.
05 December 2004, 21:36
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Thanks for the continued suggestions chaps. I'm going to plop it in the water again next weekend, should have something to report soon thereafter.
06 December 2004, 12:09
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where do you plop your boat in the water, Jlanng?
06 December 2004, 13:07
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I expect we'll go down to Mudeford. Not far from where it's currently kept.
10 August 2005, 19:26
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Sorry to resurect an old thread but its the only one with anything negative to say about the suzuki DF140
jlanng - i presume you got to the bottom of this problem. what was it?
The only reason i ask is that ive just ordered a ribcraft 585 with a suzuki 140 my self and was wondering how you were getting on with it.
10 August 2005, 19:44
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Had a very similar sounding problem on my Suzzy 90. Turned out the primer bulb had been fitted the wrong side of the filter. I couldn't see how this would make any difference myself, but changing it over did actually work.
10 August 2005, 20:55
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Originally Posted by Erin
Had a very similar sounding problem on my Suzzy 90. Turned out the primer bulb had been fitted the wrong side of the filter. I couldn't see how this would make any difference myself, but changing it over did actually work.
Which side should it be? engine side or tank side?
10 August 2005, 21:17
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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I think after the filter, i.e. closer to engine..... but I'll have to check that one!
11 August 2005, 07:57
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 167
Hi there
Yes we found the problem in the end. It wasn't a Suzuki design fault at all - the previous owner had let saltwater get into the vapor seperator / fuel pump unit for an extended time (maybe over a winter) and had caused some corrosion. Luckily the water hadn't made it any further into the engine so the fuel rail and injectors were OK.
Since we repaced the part it's been running like a dream, it's more like a car engine that the sort of outboard I'm used to... turn the key and it just works!
11 August 2005, 18:30
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Originally Posted by Erin
I think after the filter, i.e. closer to engine..... but I'll have to check that one!
I believe that it's supposed to be as near to the tank as possible. Anyway surely before the filter.
11 August 2005, 18:41
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Originally Posted by jlanng
Yes we found the problem in the end. It wasn't a Suzuki design fault at all
Many thanks for your reply - im glad to hear everything was ok.
11 August 2005, 18:52
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Originally Posted by danny
I believe that it's supposed to be as near to the tank as possible. Anyway surely before the filter.
On this topic of where the primer bulb should be - i speak not as a voice of experience but due to my rationale :-
The bulb is a pump - you squeeze it and it pushes fuel forward (the squeezing force being supplied by your hand which is relatively strong which would be more than enough force to push fuel along a long stretch of pipe or through a filter)
When you let it go however it is the elastic properties of the rubber trying to return to its natural state that pulls more fuel from the tank (this force is relatively weak so i would guess that anything that restricted this flow of fuel - ie long pipe or a filter would increase the likely hood that this weak force would not be sufficient)
Therefore i would have to agree with danny - the closer to the tank the better. because if the force required to pull fuel from the tank exceeded the force available from the rubber the bulb would collapse and effectively cut off fuel.
As i said that is not the voice of experience so there may be other reasons i have not factored in for placing the fuel primer bulb in a different position.
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