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Old 14 August 2016, 11:50   #1
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Suzuki DF15 - coolant flow

Hi all

I have arranged to buy a 2006 four stroke Suzuki and was due to be collecting it tomorrow.

The fastidious current owner has called me today having started it up today for the first time in a while and has said the coolant is not coming out the back as it should. Apparently it's running intermittently. Started coming out immediately on start up but then slowed dow. He suspects it's either blocked or the pump (impellor?) is on its way out. Is it just an impeller?

Thoughts on the likely fault? He said it looks likes there salty type deposits in the bin he is running it in.

How much will a new impeller cost to have fitted?

He's always run it for 15-20 minutes after salt water use and is fairly devastated to find this fault today and is very genuine.

Prompt thoughts appreciated!
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Old 14 August 2016, 15:10   #2
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Suzuki DF15 - coolant flow

If you can put flat pack furniture together without the help of a responsible adult then you can change the impeller yourself, it's pretty basic.

IF it is the impeller you can pick one up for £12-£20. I can do the pump on my Honda 15 in about 20mins.

It wouldn't put me off buying the engine but I'd be using it as a bargaining tool.
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Old 14 August 2016, 15:32   #3
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Originally Posted by A1an View Post
If you can put flat pack furniture together without the help of a responsible adult then you can change the impeller yourself, it's pretty basic.

IF it is the impeller you can pick one up for £12-£20. I can do the pump on my Honda 15 in about 20mins.

It wouldn't put me off buying the engine but I'd be using it as a bargaining tool.
exactly what Alan's says look on you tube for changing impeller very easy when it's stripped down give it a good flush not sure on the 15 but the tell tail pulls out to clean flake of salt will do what he's explained pacer marine for a service kit I would do one whilst stripped down.

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Old 14 August 2016, 15:36   #4
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You can run a length of nylon strimmer wire up through the tell-tale. That often does the trick. I'd look at the thermostat too if you're changing the impeller (you'll need a new gasket).
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 14 August 2016, 15:55   #5
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Great, thanks all. Just was a bit wary of shoving bits of wire down the outlet but he strimmer cord is a good shout! How much length should I get down it roughly?

Also, basic question but where is the thermostat housed?

Should be good to change the impeller.

The engines not done many hours given the detailed log he's kept
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Old 14 August 2016, 16:06   #6
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As others have said apart from the more obvious causes of a waterway blockage or stuck thermostat you might want to find out how long he ran the engine without water flow and find out if that run time could cause damage. When I take things apart and have the broken or faulty bit in my hand I can then say what it is, and until that happens it's best guesswork. There might be a process of elimination in this case like removing the thermostat and seeing if you get a flow, or poking something up the tell-tale.

Currently it's a faulty engine so if he gets it working do you still want it and under what conditions
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Old 16 August 2016, 11:36   #7
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Thanks all for your help - collected yesterday and managed to clear the blockage with a small piece of light cable. That coolant telltale is very small- not surprising it gets so easily blocked...! Sounds like a common problem from searching more.

Yabadabadoo - he was very particular and wouldn't allow me to run the engine for fear of causing damage - he assured me that he stopped the engine as soon as the water slowed down and given the paperwork, history and detailed log the engine etc comes with, I don't doubt it...

The engine is immaculate - excited to take it out this weekend now...
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