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Old 07 March 2022, 00:26   #1
Country: USA
Town: Norfolk, Virginia
Boat name: Dinghy
Make: Solstice
Length: under 3m
Engine: Suzuki 9.9 outboard
Join Date: Mar 2022
Posts: 2
Suzuki df9.9 water leak

Thanks for adding me to the forum and Hello from the States! Virginia to be exact.

I have a water leak from an unusual place on my Suzuki 9.9. There are two holes in the forward edge of the leg casting at the lower swivel bracket that apparently penetrate the drive shaft channel. The drive shaft is enclosed in its own isolated channel sealed at each junction by gaskets from the power unit, through the oil pan, down through the leg and into the top of the water pump where it passes through the impeller casing via a rubber grommet. Water was leaking out at the lower mount so I assumed the water pump was faulty and replaced the entire pump assembly. This only increased the rate of flow at the leak.
My question is this- the drive shaft grommet on top of the water pump casing does not fit tightly around the shaft. Wouldn’t this allow water to be pumped past the grommet and up into the channel that houses the drive shaft? I can’t see another way that water could spew out at the lower swivel mount. The rate increases with engine revolutions and the water is cold. Shouldn’t the grommet fit snugly on the driveshaft?
The engine runs great otherwise. Strong warm telltale, good cooling, never overheats, and the gearbox holds pressure. I’ve checked and double checked the part numbers so it’s the genuine Suzuki part but I just don’t believe water is supposed to leak out at that spot.
Here’s the engine/part info:

1999 Suzuki df9.9 ELX
Serial# 00991F-971353
Water pump casing grommet - 17417-99
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Old 07 March 2022, 02:23   #2
Country: USA
Town: Norfolk, Virginia
Boat name: Dinghy
Make: Solstice
Length: under 3m
Engine: Suzuki 9.9 outboard
Join Date: Mar 2022
Posts: 2
Sorry, grommet part # is 17417-93911
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