Originally Posted by dirtrider212002
Hi there i have baught a suzuki dt30 age around 1985 ish. It runs realy well and is sweet as a nut but it will not pump water properly. The story is that it was serviced a year ago and then laid up. I baught it a week ago now it runs fine on the flush muffs has a good pee stream and also has water come out the leg at the front engine dosent get warm. When i run it in a bucket it has a trickle from the pee stream and nothing but exhaust gasses from the hole on the leg and obviursly it starts to get hot. Aparently when it was serviced it had a new impellor. Could the impellor have died in this time or is there somthing else that engines are prone to (cooling side) when they are laid up. Thanks.
Similiar issue with mine.
I don't use flush muffs now, rather a cut down plastic 45gallon drum.
Make sure water is above the splash plate (say 3") and can run it for a lenghty period (until actual water in container gets warm).
After a lot of soul searching it was a damaged impellor.
Since been changed and no water issues since.