I like Suzukis, and have had a few. All 2-Strokes of course

as I prefer them.
The DT40 I had was nice and of course the DT200EFI I have now is fantastic.
If it's the same DT65 I'm thinking of, then it will be the triple cylinder.
I had a DT55 triple which is basically the same engine and it was fine despite an unknown history.
The waterways on them appear to silt-up if not flushed properly, and the 2-stroke oil tank level sender has a tendancy to give up and put the engine in limp home mode despite a full tank of oil. Replacements are expensive, but it's cheaper to blank it off and hard wire the plug so the system thinks the tank is full all the time. You do of course then need to make sure you keep it topped up. I still have my wiring diagram to do this.
The only other issue is looking after the wiring, which does appear to be of crap quality at times, and likes to turn itself Black at the slightest whiff of salty air. Although I'm convinced they are no worse than other makes.
I have a few spares in the garage and am very near to you, so let me know if you need help.