Originally Posted by Chopppywaters
Hey quick newbie question: I've had a honda 115 on my RIB for only one season now, it has about 70 hrs on it but I kind of want to switch engines and I found an envinrude dealership real close by. Would it be really dumb of me to ask them if I could somehow trade in my Honda for an 115 E-tec and pay whatever the difference is and labor and stuff? I ask you guys first because I dont want to sound really stupid to the guy when i ask him heh
Fairwinds in Marblehead? Great guys, very knowledgeable and useful in my experience, though pricey. Don't think it's a dumb question, though I expect you'll hear a "yes, it's possible" followed by a shockingly large number. Don't bother asking for a deal, he's not interested in competing on price. I heard him 'splain it to someone calling for a telephone quote on a new E-TEC. He's all about service.
I don't personally know anyone with experience with an E-TEC, but have mostly heard raves about them. Certainly a better power to weight ratio than that Honda lump! Is it even injected? Didn't we cover this when you were specing the boat??

I'd pick a new tech 2-stroke over any four stroke any day.
Hopefully I will soon have plenty of first hand experience with an E-TEC. Anxiously waiting to hear from BRP Corporate about a requested donation for the wife's disabled sailing team.... Keep your fingers crossed for me!
P.S. How was your trip to Greece?