25 December 2007, 17:20
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teleflex Hydraulic
is the hydraulic fluid used in the steering system the same as the fluid used in the power trim and tilt?? saves me buying some tqf!!
25 December 2007, 20:51
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Originally Posted by matt h
is the hydraulic fluid used in the steering system the same as the fluid used in the power trim and tilt?? saves me buying some tqf!! 
I think it's a much higher grade than the stuff used in trim tilt systems, I wouldn't use anything less than what the manufacturers suggest. I think you'll find it's an Aircraft speced grade.
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26 December 2007, 08:17
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Can you use the Teleflex fluid in the Trim Tilt on the engine without any problems then?
26 December 2007, 09:23
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I wouldn't have a clue, all I would suggest is to follow manufacturers recomendations, particularly if you have warranties etc. I guess for emergancy applications where nothing else is available then you'd have to use other types of oils, but you'd have to perge them from your system as soon as you could.
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26 December 2007, 09:41
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Personally I'd use exactly what it asks for.There's liable to be additives to cope specifically with marine use in it-in the same way that it's a bad idea to use normal EP90 in a lower unit.
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28 December 2007, 04:03
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The Teleflex fluid, as I recall, is an aviation grade hydraulic fluid. The manual states that in situations where it is not available, Automatic Transmission Fluid can be used, with a heavier feel in the steering due to the higher viscosity. Others have told me (haven't made any attempt to confirm this) that in an emergency, just about any liquid can be used, at the expense of seals (if using high hydrocarbon fluids) and metal parts (if using acidic fluids.)
I don't remember what the tilt/trim specs call for, so can't help you there.
28 December 2007, 09:11
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Use the right stuff unless it's impossible to get - it's your steering!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
28 December 2007, 17:49
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sorted, !!! got the right stuff. thanks all,
28 December 2007, 19:57
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Originally Posted by Chris
Can you use the Teleflex fluid in the Trim Tilt on the engine without any problems then?
Chris, I had an old V6 Mariner a while back. Had a Merc dealer service the engine and replace a leaking seal on the trim. Fortnight later it was leaking again. Answer to the problem, drain the hydraulic fluid out and replace with EP90. Took the trim motor a litle longer to tim up and down but stopped leaking and never had another problem with it. Would I mix hydraulic fluids, yes these are low pressure quite crude systems. Afterall what do you put in the car steering, the same stuff as the manufacturer or a bottle of stuff from Halfords.
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28 December 2007, 23:46
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Chris, I had an old V6 Mariner a while back. Had a Merc dealer service the engine and replace a leaking seal on the trim. Fortnight later it was leaking again. Answer to the problem, drain the hydraulic fluid out and replace with EP90. Took the trim motor a litle longer to tim up and down but stopped leaking and never had another problem with it. Would I mix hydraulic fluids, yes these are low pressure quite crude systems. Afterall what do you put in the car steering, the same stuff as the manufacturer or a bottle of stuff from Halfords.
But we always try to stick with manufacturers recommended grades though, be it Shell, BP, Mobile or Halfords....Don't we?
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29 December 2007, 15:38
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If you bought a secondhand engine a couple of years old (as we have just done) how would you know which hydraulic oil is inside the steering or trim? does it matter?
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29 December 2007, 22:02
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Originally Posted by Pete7
If you bought a secondhand engine a couple of years old (as we have just done) how would you know which hydraulic oil is inside the steering or trim? does it matter?
Errrrr, so if you found it to be the wrong grade, would you leave it at that?
This stuff costs a few quid a litre
29 December 2007, 22:09
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Errrrr, so if you found it to be the wrong grade, would you leave it at that?
This stuff costs a few quid a litre 
But how would you know if it where the wrong grade?
By touch? If it worked then I would suspect most people would leave it well alone and would only check to top up with the correct stuf.
I guess that if you wanted to be prim and proper then you would drain all the oils from the boat and replace them with something that you knew to be right.
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29 December 2007, 22:28
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Originally Posted by Pete7
....how would you know which hydraulic oil is inside the steering or trim?
Originally Posted by Hightower
But how would you know if it where the wrong grade?
To find out the spec. of oil in the steering system of a used boat, I would firstly ask the previous owner, or alternatively, the person who had serviced/maintained it.
Originally Posted by Hightower
By touch? If it worked then I would suspect most people would leave it well alone and would only check to top up with the correct stuf.
The point here is whether you should knowingly mix different grades of oil in steering or trim systems. If you found your system to contain an obviously wrong grade oil, would you leave it at that? Personally, I would drain it off and fork out a fiver for the correct stuff.
Originally Posted by Hightower
I guess that if you wanted to be prim and proper then you would drain all the oils from the boat and replace them with something that you knew to be right.
If I found the systems had been topped up with the wrong grade, then yes, I would. The cost of doing so would not spoil my New Year.
29 December 2007, 23:30
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My point is that I doubt that many would ask a seller or previous owner what oils he's been using on your new pride and joy, and to expect them to tell the truth that they have been using anything other that the proper stuff.
My "prim and proper" statement wasn't aimed at those that knew the oil was the wrong stuff, it was aimed at the majority that couldn't confirm and where concerned about what oils had been used.
I would suspect that most second hand boat owners either rely on the sellers own word or written evidence of services carried out and wouldn't question the boat until something went wrong.
I guess the lesson is do it yourself: If in doubt then, drain the system and replace it with the correct known replacement.
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30 December 2007, 19:01
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Andy, got any Teleflex hydraulic fluid left? looks like I need a cup full and don't want to use any old stuff.
Ta Pete
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30 December 2007, 21:03
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I've got some EP90
Yes mate, how quick do you need it?
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31 December 2007, 16:32
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Originally Posted by Hightower
I've got some EP90...
Just the job.......
31 December 2007, 16:50
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Its oil isn't it  ...
Oil, yes, that's the stuff.
Any leftover can be used for cooking your eggs in the morning
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